Guild achievement for feast is near impossible for small guilds

the guild achievement to unlock the Recipe: Seafood Magnifique Feast requires catching 10,000 fish from pools. this is an extremely high number for guilds of only 10 people (one 10-man raid team) so therefore we’re losing out on feasts.

putting bis recipes behind massively time consuming guild achieves feels like we have to become or join a mega guild to compete

It’s been 2 days.

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If everyone in the guild takes a moment to catch 100 fish per day, you will have it in 10 days.


Ive spent literal days just fishing for achievements. Thousands of casts.

Maybe i should sell my services


It was done back in the day, it can still be done now.
One way is to have one person at exalted join a big guild with it done already and buy the recipe and then come back.

But you still have to fish up the fish to make the feasts, so why not just fish in the pools? I noticed plenty of pools as I was leveling, took a minute to fish and add 5 more to to tally. And then of course there’s the fish finder book to help even more. If everyone did this, it wouldn’t take long at all. There’s plenty of time before raids are open, and even then, cooking up individual foods is no big deal for a while.

Additionally, you can get a casual player who loves doing that kind of thing.

OR you can add it to like a cash shop so you can buy it with a debit or credit card

OR just give it to the guild, like, we got lives and jobs, we aint got time to play no mmo

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No one has lives, they just don’t like to play the game.


So… What you’re saying is… You don’t have 10 dedicated fishermen? You should rename your guild to the Gorden Fishermen and instead of raiding 10 mans the first month you raid fishing holes and lakes and oceans…

Then you’ll have your feast!

Their guild name explains everything.


Its definitely do able by a small guild. I agree with the comment above a small guild of 10 or more can easily have it unlocked in 10 days. My guild is currently 2k away we’ve only been fishing for 7 days. We should have it unlocked before first raid.

Take the time your 10 guildies are spend9ng on archelogy for the purple pixels and apply that time to fishing and youll get the feast.

the achievement is not really that hard to get my guild got it during the pre-patch. All my gm had us do was each raid member caught 100 fish a day if they could. some got more some got less.

wtf is with people expecting to be able to complete everything in 2 days?? It’s very doable, stop being lazy

Saw a guy selling g-invites to a guild that had the achieve during the pre-patch. It’s already been done lol.

thats only 1000 fish each. stop slacking or invite more people.

A smaller guild that can’t farm achievements is probably too casual for content that would be most impacted by the extra stats. The goblin bbq grill looks cooler anyways.


a small guild should seek to grow and become a better guild.

Do what I did and join another guild and buy recipe then leave kekw.
