Guild Achievement Bug

So we’ve been experiencing this for about 8-10 months but the frequency has drastically increased to the point where it is happen several times a day. It’s very frustrating.

To explain the bug, our guild, War Pegs (click this character), has been around for several years and we’ve got a ton of guild achievements completed but seemingly at random we’ll all get spammed with “War Pegs has Completed XYZ”, normally four or five achievements in a row, flooding our screens and the guild chat.

The most common:
[Dungeon Diplomat]
[United Nations]
[Pandaren Embassy]

As I said earlier it is happening several times a day, completely at random, you can be the only person online and it will happen while you are idealing in a city, or there can be 25 people on in various content, we’ve tried tracking it and seeing what is triggering it but there is zero pattern we can spot.

It’s extremely frustrating, is there anything we can do about this? Or are we stuck until Blizzard gets around to fixing it in the far future?


Pretty sure this is a known issue but good to post in bug forums ive been seeing that in my guild as well.


There’s an addon you can give a shot until the devs get a chance to patch it out.

Newest comment suggests it might not operate as intended, so YMMV.


It seems to be working and I’ve shared it with my guild. Thanks. I had looked earlier but my google fu failed me.

Edit: it didn’t work :frowning:

My guild is having the same issue and not only that, every couple of times everybody that is online will go offline and all of them come back online like if the blizzard services crash and reset. This is very frustrating because every time it happens it makes the game freeze for a couple of seconds when you have 30+ people coming online at the same time

My guild is also experiencing (nearly) hourly someone logs in and everyone gets spammed guild achievements, same as OP. This has been happening for months, would be nice if Blizz fixed it already.

another one of those “blizz knows but fired everyone who could have worked on it and expect us just to tolerate it or deal with it ourselves” bugs, like guild shirts not mogging correctly.

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this bug be so annoying

Still having this issue… the SuppressGuildAchievement addon hasn’t been updated for TWW and doesn’t work. Hoping someone posts a solution here… …it seems to pop up at the WORST times!