Guide to the new gamepad/controller support in 9.0.1!

Hi Guys,
Plan to return to game now that controller support is enable.
looking for a dps class that does not use mouse/cursor for abilities such as setting traps or volley for hunters or leap for warrios.
anyone know if such spec exist in any class?

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I wanted to share some troubleshooting that I did after the launch of patch 9.0.5. Immediately after the patch, the default movement on a controller had changed to cause backpedaling when pressing down on the left joystick, rather than turning your character around and walking toward the camera.

In OP’s post they refer to the difference in this setting under the console variable /console GamePadFaceMovement and toggling it to 0 to cause this backpedaling/strafing. Whenever I would try setting that to 0, 1 or any other number, it didn’t have any effect on movement. Wowpedia still listed this console variable as the one responsible. After downloading the addon AdvancedInterfaceOptions and using the CVar browser, I looked at the gamepad console variables and noticed it is now called GamePadFaceMovementThreshold. This now also takes the place of GamePadAngleThreshold. To get back to default character movement with the left joystick pre-9.0.5, I had to change this to /console GamePadFaceMovementThreshold 0 to set the angle threshold to 0 degrees for when the character would face the direction of gamepad movement.

I hope to relieve anyone else’s frustrations if they can’t figure out how to toggle this. Backpedaling and strafing felt gross on a controller so I’m sure there are others with this problem in 9.0.5.


play a ret paladin. its the best for easing into controller play. no other comes close to it and anyone who tells you otherwise probably only plays one class.

Pre-patch, I would use a macro for GamePadFaceMovement 0 for when I was in vehicles in Epic Battlegrounds. This made it easier to turn and aim. The same for when I was on a mount, it would make it easier to turn while on autorun. I would also put GamePadFaceMovement to 0 in my aiming abilities, such as shattering throw, which requires you to face the target. It was annoying when they moved to the side and the skill would get canceled. Now I can’t do it because the right stick will just look instead of turn my character if I am not moving the left stick. I would use another macro to turn GamePadFaceMovement back to 1 when I was in combat. Is there away to make it so I can turn with the right stick when in backpedal mode. I do not know why blizzard thought it was a good idea to mess with GamePadFaceMovement.

Because they didnt even bother to test it. Im being serious…the developers made a change to the system, then didnt test it AT ALL. It takes less than 5 minutes of playing the game to realize its broken. They couldnt even be bothered to do that. Pure laziness. They need people who actually play the game developing because this is ridiculous how often this happens now where they make changes and then dont realize how broken they are because they dont play with the changes themselves.

I can’t really comment on GamePadFaceMovement in particular, but did want to comment upon wows implementation of controller support.

Blizzard has always claimed they implemented controller capabilities for accessibility reasons and to encourage the development of accessibility addons. They have deliberately backed away from claiming they added the capabilities to enable controller play as a fundamental input mechanism.

Changes to controller support are far more likely to be targeted at accessibility addon developers than at general players. They never had the intention of developing a polished game pad controller interface, just one that provided some functionality to Addons.

If final fantasy can do it then wow can do it.

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I’m not saying they can’t. Just noting that general gameplay is not their announced intent for extending the interface to game pads.

Accessibility is their stated purpose and features that extend that will take precedence over making gamepad api changes to suite general players.

Comparing a feature from one company designed to improve accessibility to a similar feature from another company that is designed for general gameplay is apples to oranges.

well their last patch completely broke it for controllers so right now its not very accessible nor provides any options in the accessibility section to help fix it. They added new features to the game for controllers that had nothing to do with accessibility but instead to bring the game to more mainstream rpg play style where if you slightly press the sticks it does a walk instead of always running. but they broke the camera and aiming of the character. they seriously didnt even bother to test it after making the change…just implemented it and thought that was ok.

so you defending them about accessibility is just wrong. not quite sure why you trying to defend it so much when if you actually played with a controller and tried out the new patch you would see it had nothing to do with accessibility but quite the opposite.

Not defending them. Just noting that you seem to have one set of goals for a game pad controller and they have a different set of goals.
Expecting your goals to take precedence over their announced goal of adding controller support to enable addon developers is unrealistic.

then you obviously dont play with a controller. if you did you would see that what you say their “goals” are dont actually match up with what they do. Maybe your just the type of person who think what people say are more important than what they do

Thank you for this guide!

I use a gamepad called the F14 Tactical Commander, it’s very similar to the Razer Tartarus in that it’s basically half a keyboard with a single joystick.

My only issue with current gamepad support in WoW is this: when I move my character with the joystick, it essentially removes mouse support until I stop all inputs on the joystick. Mouse is no longer on screen, nor shows up when I move it, or try and click on anything. Has anyone found a way to fix this? I would love to be able to move around with the joystick, but still have full control of the mouse, with the camera along with it.

Essentially, I only want movement controlled by gamepad joystick, everything else I’m still using Keyboard+Mouse for. Have you or anyone else found a setting/way of doing this?

The ‘view’ button seems to be hardcoded to the “Escape” function. Anyone know how to change that?

This was so helpful!

Maybe I missed it, can anyone tell me what exactly I need to type in to bind the mouse click to an xbox controller X button? I want to use the X button to click on NPCs or for looting things.

Also, in some quests you will get a button in the lower middle of your screen where you press it to use some special power. Is there any way to bind that to something? If I can use the regular key binding menu that would be great, what is that button called?

my movement is buggy, up goes right and right goes down, all inverted, including the buttons also natively inverted, but I can’t configure the movement.
Note, sometimes I log into the game and it works normally, but now it doesn’t work anymore. I even tested it on another pc and the problem persists WOW is detecting my joystick randomly and getting a version where the stick is inverted.
other games and joytokey and on windows everything is ok.

Has anyone figured out how to change the interactable “click” option from Right Trigger when you’re using the cursor? I wanted to swap it with A so it felt more natural like a console game.

Anyone figure out how to remap click? bumped

My heart broke when I read this, but I found a way to alter it. You can change this default with:
/console GamePadStickAxisButtons 1
This allows you to define each analog direction (up, down, right, left) to be a keybind or modifier. You can find a list of how to mention each gamepad key at wowpedia dot fandom dot com (Game_Pad_Buttons; I am prohibited from linking).

For example, I use the left analog stick up as alt; I use down as shift with:
/console GamePadEmulateAlt PADLSTICKUP
/console GamePadEmulateShift PADLSTICKDOWN

Be sure to “unbind” any of the default modifiers you do not plan on using (in my case control and escape) to NONE. These should be saved in your file after entry.

I then use Keybinds to link other stick directions or presses to the action bars.
I am using a knockoff PS3 controller with a Mac, so you may have a different experience.

Soon as i enter that text into chat game crashes.

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Hey I don’t see an invert mouse option at all, only see 4 options. Did you manage to find it?

Edit- Oh its in the game interface not the addon interface