Guide to get into normal raiding

Seems like many people are struggling to get into normal so I’m here to help you.

First step : make sure to finish your covenant campaign to unlock your soulbinds and conduits. This will be important to help clear content later on as it gives a lot of power. Don’t forget to buy the item that makes all your conduits 226 from the Zereth mortis rep vendor once you get there.

Second step : check your gear

Do you have legendaries? You can get them up to 291. One of them is locked behind revered Zereth Mortis so it might take time if you want the 2nd one max level, but Zereth Mortis will give you one if you do all it’s questlines about 265 and it will take a couple hours. Legendaries are pretty complex, I’d recommend checking a guide about your class/spec for it but at the end a legendary is better than no legendary.

What’s your item level? People will take players that are the best geared to do the content, having some ilvl close to what the content drop is a good idea. Normal fated raid drops 278 gear, so you’ll want something close to 270+ and a minimum of 265 gear to get easily into groups.

How to get gear?

Once you finish leveling up you can get full 233 crafted gear if you have the money and one piece of 262 gear. If you can’t do that queue the highest you can between normal then queue for heroic dungeons until you can queue for LFR. You can also farm cyphers in Zereth Mortis for up to 252 gear, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Don’t forget to kill the fated world bosses for a chance for gear of high item level (the fated raid is shown in the adventure guide). Clearing LFR will then give you access to gear and Dinar coin currency which then can be used to buy a powerful weapon or trinket.

After that, you should want to clear +2 dungeons that drop 262 to +6 (which is still easy to pug) for 275 gear. Progress at the speed that your ilvl progress. It is recommended for M+ to try to make your own group as a dps if you can’t find a group but for that you’ll need a key which are easier to get in mythic 0.

Ok you did all of that you’re around 270+ and want to go into normal fated raid.

Third Step : How to join a normal raiding group?

Try to join groups that are newly formed with less than 5-6 people, people that have mostly complete group will mostly look for something specific or for people with higher item level.

If you want to make your own group be sure to try to be different in your advertising to other groups, if you want to make a learning group make sure people know you are making one as that will help you also recruit people that will want to stick with you longer. If you have a couple friends having 3-4 people in your group will massively fill your group faster.

Joining a guild can also be a solution if you can make some time commitment. For normal difficulty or heroic I would say you can easily ask if any guild is recruiting for those in your trade chat or city chat. Yes they won’t be the best guilds but you have to start from somewhere.

Fourth Step: Ok I got into a group but I don’t know anything about the raid?
There’s a tool ingame called the dungeon guide with all the boss mechanics where you can get a decent understanding of the fight. You can also ask someone to explain it, there’s nothing wrong with that. You’d be surprised with the amount of people that you could end up helping if they don’t know the mechanics too.

P.S. While doing any type of content using consumables like flasks, armor kit, enchants, gems (if you have sockets), and even potions can help you have an easier time. Those are really cheap with the expansion ending soon. If you have to prioritize some, weapon enchants and flask.

Good luck with your slime cat mounts.


I can proudly say I’ve read all of this.

I’m not too sure about the others…


Seems excessive for normal.

Edit: I imagine the ilvl requirement is going to keep going up each week. Unless you’re already in this item level range, I don’t see people catching up for a few weeks unless someone is funneling gear to you.


Thanks for the advice. I think I’m going to take the plunge in attempting Normal, but I’ve been a bit intimidated about getting into raiding this late in the xpac. I hope many Normal raiders will be understanding in the influx of newbies.


Not really since LFR gear is 265 and 272 for Fated.

I ran all 10 bosses on 4 characters and only had a total of 3 pieces of usable gear drop.

LFR isn’t going to catch people up.


The idea is to also do 30 fated bosses for the guaranteed token piece upon buying while also going for Vault.

There should have been another way to level up gear to around 265 but I digress.

So almost a month, before people will take a “new raider” into a normal run. (Which people keep saying is easier than LFR)

I get that it takes work, it just still seems frustrating.


I read this and honestly, I think there is an easier way.

It costs 300k gold on my realm for a fated raid carry. I’d argue it’s easier and faster to grind 300k gold than it is to pray for RNG to be on your side for LFR and low level M+ drops.

Or… a total cost of two tokens right now if you didn’t want to grind.


Simplified guide
-Step 1: Ensure that you are are at a gear score where you have no chance of benefitting from any of the drops of the raid by spamming Mythic+ at a high level while buying Ilvl capped legendaries.

Congratulations, you are now ready to get into a group finder normal raid to do old content.
What a great season!

(Don’t have friends to run them with? Don’t worry you can BUY friends with tokens!)



M+ rendering raid gearing below Mythic largely pointless is a different kettle of fish, but yeah, if you only care about the jellycat this is a viable strategy.

Being behind is never fun, i get that. There should have been another alternative to get 265 gear (supplimenting in a +2 could be worthwhile as the gear tends to be equal to LFR/normal when season begins).

I would say right now, LFR is pretty simple rn as it seems the bosses/fated mechanics are really undertuned to basically be one shot at this time.

M+ gearing is pretty faster than raid gearing especially if you have friends who can funnel keys/gear into you. But chain running low keys is pretty good rn especially sence IO has reset.

This got hotfixed, but they’re not too bad still.

This is exactly why it should be in LFR. A lot of people don’t have time for any of that. If LFR players had the time or will to do this type of gameplay, it would be done already.

All you have done here is prove how wrong blizzard are to remove it from LFR.

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There’s also the guild recruitment form. Make a post with what you have to offer and what you’re looking for.

Good, because those fights were massive jokes.

For a new 60, this is what I’d say.

Get to ZM even over doing your cov campaign past unlocking soulbinds. Anyone can buy the renown 60 token that unlocks their tree and the last 20 ranks you’ll get passively playing the game and offer minor upgrades to their slots anyway.

Do the ZM campaign fully to unlock flying there. Fly and loot treasures and feed the cyphers to the console to rank up your gear drops there. The anima from the chest can be used to buy 226 gear. You can use starter flux to buy the mats to make your 291 legendary OR do the better option and fun a few level 9-10 torghast runs which are easy enough at 230 or so ilvl.

Run a mythic 0 and get a key. Make your own group for it. Pick one of the 2 dungeons in the basement of Oribos or mists/halls/NW (this one has a mount drop too). Run the key no matter what it is and keep running the key until it gets to 7+ and then downgrade it to 5-6 and run it again, rinse and repeat. Do not run a key at 7+ and absolutely avoid any/all keys at 8-9. Skip to 10 if/when you are ready.

People are going to sign up for low keys to valor farm and farm for items to hold onto to upgrade later. They’re going to avoid keys in the 7-9 range because group competency really starts to unravel here and you can’t as easily overpower stuff even when geared.

Be at least 265+ ilvl and even then only as a healer. DPS have next to no luck to get in unless the group is desperate. Tanks…just LOL trying to pug raids as a tank.


Easy entry for pugs though.

  1. Normal mode is faster than LFR
  2. A lot of people will say they don’t have time because they don’t want to try and risk failure – that is what LFR is good for. Avoiding failure and protecting egos.
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