KT WAS killed by arthas, but with his paladin warmace, not Frostmourne.
- The Betrayed Father - King Terenas Menethil
- The Blood-Queen - Lana’thel
- The Grand Magister - Anasterian Sunstrider
- The Guardian of Naxxramas - Anubarak
- The Archmagus Mentor - Antonidas
- The Golden King - Anduin
- The Holy Lifebringer - Halahk the Lifebringer
- Many Forgotten Victims - Nameless Lordaeron Citizens
These are my guesses, Lifebringer is a bit tricky but I think I’m pretty hot on the rest. Maybe Sapphiron for Naxx, depends really on who they refer to as ‘guardian’ since she has it in title but Anubarak was the first boss.
Anduin was never attacked by Frostmourne.
It’s a room specifically holding the pieces of the souls claimed by Frostmourne. Kyrian get sent there to retrieve the shard of Uther’s soul, in order to make his soul whole again.
(If you recall, in the Kyrian intro cinematic before SL launched, we learned Uther’s soul was damaged. It’s because the Jailer keeps pieces of the souls claimed by Frostmourne)
Is it confirmed it’s all souls from Frostmourne, and not the souls of people afflicted by Runeblades/Mourneblades in general?
Otherwise instead of Anduin it’s probably Arthas himself then.
Golden king is pretty much 100% Anasterian Sunstrider, especially given Arthas personally killed him, just like everyone else in that group starting with his father. It would be nice if at the end of the day we could free all of them and part of Kael’s redemption could be meeting his father again.
Rommath isn’t dead though, is he? His predecessor is dead though. That’d be Belo’vir.
true or it could be the goblin research team the alliance killed in silithus that kicked off the war
2 much work, back you RP nerd!
For real though that would be solid.
I’m not sure about any of those, but I teeheed when yesterday I did an ember court quest that required “candle wax” from around revendreth and out popped a soul yelling “you NO take candle” xD Wasn’t hard to guess whos soul that belonged to xD
I guess even the kobolds need a place in the afterlife, and revendreth IS jam packed with candles xD
They’ll pull a fast one and the “Guardian of Naxxramas” will be Mr. Bigglesworth.
pretty sure the primus (or someone near him who gives you the quest) says that anyone hit with a MOURNE weapon, doesnt say Frostmourne in particular, and the fact that Andy is now being controlled by the Jailer, with what looks like Mourne “magic” then it very well could be him.
I saw “grand magister” and was like… “So that’s why Rommath is so soulless…”
Either Arthas’s father or possibly Alexandros
Gonna guess that was another Uther one
Probably Anasterian Sunstrider
Either Kel’thuzad or maybe Sapphiron
Possibly Belo’vir
I find it interesting that we didn’t find Arthas’ soul amongst the Jailer’s collection considering how Tichondrius once said to him shortly after he became a death knight:
“The runeblade that you carry was forged by the Lich King and empowered to steal souls. Yours was the first one it claimed.”
I think that reinforces my crazy theory that Zovaal infused Arthas’ soul into Anduin’s mournblade.
on de otherside of the room there are more souls too.
The Holy Lifebringer, The Champion of Peace, The Golden King and The Archmagus Mentor
Guardian of Naxramus is very obviously Bigglesworth!
My guesses are
1.Terenas Menethil
2.Blood Queen Lana’thel
3.Anasterian or Dath’remar, one of those. Arthas killed during Siege of Silvermoon
4.No Idea.
6.No Idea.
7.Halahk the Lifebringer
8. You didn’t include it but Champion of Peace is probably Gavinrad the Dire