Guess the next expansion TITLE!

World of Warcraft; Rise of Wrathion

Patch 9.0; …
Patch 9.1; Shadowlands
Patch 9.2; …

World of Warcraft and the Temple of Doom

World of Warcraft: Infinity War

The expansion will cause 50% of subscribers to disappear.

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Blizzard already released that expansion a couple of times over already…

World of Warcraft: Lightbringers. We team up with the void to stop the fanatical light.

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World of Warcraft: Forums of Complaining
… : Grinding for Flying
… : Credit Card Assault
… : Looking for Proofreaders

World of Warcraft: No Alt for you


Warcraft: Metrics of the Time Gate.


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World of Warcraft: No Negativity in the Dojo!
World of Warcraft: Please Send Money
World of Warcraft: The Art is Really Good
World of Warcraft: Now With Really Slow Walking!
World of Warcraft: Have more Tentacles


Hey its not BFA

it called “we are going to do a level squish and mess everything up expansion”

you know they are…lol.

9.0 Rise of the Black Empire
10.0 Shadows and Light (Light wielders civil war)

This scares me more than anything else. Really. They have already messed up scaling so this would only make it way worse.


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Halfway through the expansion we get a major clue about the next one. In Legion patch 7.2 (I think it was) we actually go to the Heart of Azeroth for the first time to assist Magni, long before Azeroth is even stabbed–which is interesting if you think about it. You can still do the quest, it starts in Dalaran.

So if patch 7.2 is any indication, the next expansion will be focused on Old Gods and Dragons because that’s what 8.2 is giving us clues to, by virtue of the Essence quests.

My guess is Dragon Isles, new islands we discover by Island Expeditions, zone revamps, and ny’alotha or Black Empire underground type zone for final 9.3 patch.

WoW: Dragonbane maybe?

Pulling the old school reference for this one, The Search for More Money.

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World of Warcraft: Crawling Shadows
World of Warcraft: Call of the Shadowlands
World of Warcraft: The Black Empire Rises

if they scale the world to you where you can level anywhere like they do in eso say bye bye to transmog runs.

I would actually quit if that happened. Collecting old mogs and running old instances is one of the few things I really still enjoy in the game.


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World of Warcraft: Void Where Prohibited

well considering its been long hinted about the void lords being the big bad that sargeras was out to destroy I wouldnt be surprised to see a name of an exp referring to them

like Whispers of the Void or something