Guess the next expansion TITLE!

World of Warcraft: The Black Empire

Dude there are like major wow leaks showing shadowlands.

4chan is hardly a credible source. :woman_facepalming:t4: They “leak” things all the time and the vast majority of those are untrue.

They could be intentional leaks to cause misdirects. It has been done before by other publishers

World of Warcraft: Warlords of the Burning Lich King
World of Warcraft: Battle of the Cataclysmic Legion
World of Warcraft: Mists of the Vanilla Azeroth

World of Warcraft: The Shadowlords of Unending Destruction and Secret Magical Ponies

New expansion features:

* Raise up to level 140 and become powerful enough to replace your old pewpy BfA gear!

* Pathfinder 3.0 now including a part 3 where you have to complete all the expansion's raid tiers in mythic difficulty to gain full completion. 

* Artifact 3.0.... I mean the new"valorous titan" system where you earn feel good points by grinding... I mean *cough* killing powerful foes to improve your gear and skills!

* Finally, Cthulhu Ry'oletha Super Saiyan God Legend 9000 comes and rises from the depths of Azeroth to punish us for killing her Old God sons. "Champion, save us from this monstrosity! Or we will all falter to darkness!

Bards Tale

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“please resub, we learned”

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World of Warcraft: Rise of the Black Empire

World of Warcraft: Rise of the Shadowlands

World of Warcraft: The fall of the self entitled elitists


“Dude”, the chances of those actually being leaks and not bad fan fiction and/or trolling are slim indeed. Well, the first weekend in November is not that far away, and we should know by then.

World of Warcraft: Immortal (Mobile Edition)

Dark Times.

World of warcraft:

Which iconic character do we bring back to try to recover sub loss?

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Worldofwarcraft: Wrath of the IRS
Worldofwarcraft: The eternal time gate.

As the Old Gods and the Void Lords gather to threaten the people of Azeroth, the heroes of Azeroth stand as one and say …

“Screw this. I’m going to Tanaris to get drunk.”

World of Warcraft: Margaritaville

World of Warcraft: The Deathly Hallows Part 1

World of Warcraft: Buy the base game, pay monthly, pay half the cost of a new game for in game purchases, then we’ll fire hundreds of employees and avoid billions in tax, owned idiots.

Idk might be a bit too long, I think it’s fairly accurate though.

Return of the . . .(Lich king/Queen, Old Gods, Sargeras)
don’t worry the Dragon aspects will be restored.