Guess I’ll stop leveling

Based on everything I had read and looking at the tiers for tanks, guess I’ll stop leveling. Class is getting nerf to the ground. Hope is not true, but if so, wish devs would tell us ahead of time what classes not to even bother

It was written in the sky that Prot would be nerfed.

The gameplay revolves around maximizing your CD windows by extending them or reducing the cooldown when they aren’t active.

And they need to have every tank be able to do the Raid on Mythic and be able to do 10s.

Which meant that Prot had to have a good uptime on these CD’s from the start.

What do you think would have happened with just more stats?

The design path they took makes it so Prot Pal will be nerf every single major patch.

Be warned

Stop being a sheep looking at tier lists.

You’re lvl 43… Did you start playing half an hour ago and read article before bed? Prot will be fine.

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Don’t just play what’s OP pal. Maybe people should stop flocking to FOTM. You’ll never have fun for more than a single tier at a time as a class if your only goal is to play something that is really braindead and OP.

Don’t blame class balancing for your weird fixation to be a Legion DH