Gudbois need to exist

There are models for gudboi mounts in the game:

https:// www. warcraftmounts .com/mounts/tanbakar.php

This is a need, not a want.

Let’s make this happen, Blizz.


I agree

This is for the good bois everywhere!


the white one and the red one are just the most amazing floofers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


10M gold on a vendor that goes away when DF ends.


You’re sick in the head

Don’t hold back the good bois… I go to pet them still

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Is it really that hard to type good boy? I feel dumber just reading,

I feel dumber that you even responded. How miserable are you?

This is the reason I capped that centaur rep and did all the little quests. If this is a reward for some totally new, not frostsaber 2.0 rep grind tacked onto finishing the renown campaign… I’m ready for the worst case scenario.


doge is de gudistboi

I don’t find it miserable to actually spell words out properly. Sorry it’s so hard for you.

No, it’s miserable to come to a positive happy post and try to bring people down and insult them. I’m glad I could help clarify it for you.

I want centuar mount


I pull Taivan out all the time, especially around large crowds and NPCs that need to be clicked on.

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/pet Taivan

Not all doggos are good bois!!!

Some a good gorls too!

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Not a fan of the saddle. Not complementary to any of the doggos presented herein

I need them. I NEED THEM!

Bumping for the gudbois.