Guards on Ramp of Nightmare Incursions

Please just put guards at the ramps so you can stop the griefing. i get its pvp zones, but level 50s in low level incursions shouldn’t be allowed atleast. make them a zone you gotta be the level range for, 50s should be in hinterlands or feralas, not 1 shotting lvl 40s and bugging out people and getting them killed by guards as a shadow priest. Please do something

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we need guards by the item pick ups too, and guards by the bosses, and guards around the mobs, and lets put guards by nightmare almalgam too for good measure. actually just put a guard every 5 feet through the entire world cause pvp servers are scary D:


Based but honestly we can just make zones not enterable by people out of the level range. but blizz won’t do that

I want a guard to follow me around

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you know theres free xfers right now to pve servers?

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But in all seriousness, I don’t want you to have a bad taste in your mouth with pvp servers. Honestly, I really recommend doing other content until you’re a higher ish level or well geared.

It’s turned in to a high level war zone there so you need to be going there expecting that every time. I don’t think placing guards eveywhere will help a lot. Just manage your expectations a bit

Edit: this was meant to be a reply to OP

I’m level 43 but don’t plan to return until I’m 45 or so.

It is what it is at this point. You’ll enjoy it more at a higher level

World PvP is fun. Camping the same spot for 4 hours killing grey levels with a raid is just cringe.


Unfortunately, this wouldn’t really fix it at all, it would just force gank squads to move further out to wait and gank you.

Portals should have minimum and max levels to enter them however:

Duskwood: 23-39
Ashenvalue: 38-49
Feralas and Hinterlands: 50+

Give me a guard follower pet called safe space.

The guards are the problem. I saw a low level priest literally camping Horde at turn in. Wiping 3plus Horde there. The priest is using the guards to kill Horde at turn in.

But some lvl 50’s have to go back to Ash for the epic quest there.

So move it to another location then, that’s simple enough?

PvP to PvE server transfers fixed this.

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please have all the guards just do all the kill quests for me while i afk thru more and get all the rewards!

you chose to roll on a PvP server, now deal with the PvP

PvP player base: “If you don’t want to PvP, then don’t be on a PvP realm”

Blizzard: Opens transfers from PvP to PvE realms which tons of players opt for

PvP player base: “Why is Blizzard killing PvP realms!!!”

The call is coming from inside the house.

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They don’t understand that toxic pvp is bad for the community as a whole and just mindlessly repeat “PvP happened on a PvP server get over it”.

Low lvl priests are still wiping the entire turn in area using the guards. Half my guild transferred alts and some mains. Now we are short on filling out 2nd 20 man. We will never get to 40 man.

All this to try and stop griefers. Just let players use war mode and toggle PVP on or off. There will still be plenty of pvpers. The server transfers failed because guilds are left in limbo now, with half gone and half still on the PVP server. There was never room for all that wanted to leave.

A) What is the purpose of camping greys?
B) Guards at key NPCs yes, elsewhere no.
C) I transferred to PvE mostly because I don’t have time to do PvP, dying, running back and questing.

The claim can be made that it’s just as good for the servers community, as much as it is claimed to be toxic by the likes of you.
