Guardians of the Dream: Grow Seeds to Saplings in New Public Events

Perhaps I was not clear.

I cannot find a group. In GROUPfinder.

I make a group in Groupfinder and get no takers.


Sometimes I get lucky. Over the course of days of trying.

Is that clearer perhaps?


I wonder if there is anything built in to see that they are doing dmg or healing? That might be too tricky to implement. Heck, I get rewards from the hunt once in a while as I fly by on my way somewhere else.

yes. All of them have been fine.

I’m not sure. The dev interview mentioned the number of mobs present would be based on the number of nearby players. Not sure if it’ll actually affect mob hp unless they actually tag it, but yeah, hopefully they have some way to account for inactivity (though I’m doubtful). It probably won’t be too much of an issue until after maybe a couple of weeks when folks get tired of spamming them and just start afk’ing. I imagine it’ll gradually get better as time goes on, however.

i agree but the problem is worse than that.

in best case scenarios they last a few weeks but they all absolutely crater just after 1 patch

let alone when its legacy stuff that many of us would prefer to do then for mounts mog pets etc

trying to do any community based content after the initial rush is always a nightmare if not completely unacheivable

tldr i just want them to move away from community based events. they just dont age well on any metric

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Maybe they should go back and fix the old events so they aren’t dead content while they are at it?


Exactly why after 5 weeks of an event it should start giving, lets say, 5k gold for each toon you do it on. That alone will spark peoples interest in doing it. I’m not game poor at all, i sit around 1mil but even i would do it while i wait for my friend to finish their dinner, or to destress after a bad run.

But right now it offers jack squat and takes up close to an hour of my time i could do other stuff. Even if they rewarded stuff like aspect crests maybe, or wrym crests. Anything really something to make me want to go out of my way to do the task.

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It’s mostly because Blizzards game engine was not built with that in mind. For thing of this nature Blizzard keeps updating its game engine, but at its very core it’s built off the same content that they had in mind when they first started the game and went into production.
Ashes of Creation will have similar type features and events but with Unreal Engine 5 these concepts are baked into the initial code. I think, for myself, this is why they just need to make a WOW 2, so that any interesting ideas that they have will be built on an engine that truly can handle it. Blizzard would probably be better off hiring mod creators that know how to build completely original content that honestly is way to deep for the Engine as the Private Server community has created some truly fantastic content that honestly Blizzard itself might not could pull off.
The original WOW thru cataclysm and even pandora, played as a much slower game, giving you time to think during pulls and the ability to react when something goes south or just not as planned.
Modern wow has more in common with a FPS play style than an mmorpg semi high fantasy product. Imo they should have stuck with the slower style as it made 5-man heroics like The Shattered Halls and its gauntlet run possible. Normal dungeons in those days could 2 shot most classes and heroic was a sure death. It’s why CC was critical. I think normal dungeons and heroics should still be that way.

If anything mythics should just be another step up in difficulty with added mobs, and raid style gear just below the raids but still purple. To this day I miss the 10 man raids which honestly was all wow needed. They had the perfect balance of tanks, healers, cc and DPS.

Maybe we will get a classic plus that goes that way and still let’s CC be a major mechanic and add some support classes eventually.
Classic + would be my saving grace for WOW. Expansions could just add onto areas already in the game or add some small islands here and there with level 60 max with TBC class design in the classic world. Instead of entering the dark portal, they come to us. Maybe give us boats eventually ad housing and travel the oceans.

all they need is good rewards and people will do them!

Didnt we kill Onyxia in game? yea well lore says Varian beheaded her not you so the link between gameplay and lore… but hey dk been around since wrath so has everywhere youve walked died?

this does suck, you want to make a group to kill all the rares and not a single person in sight after posting a group so content literally cant be done

I think they’ve done great with these catch up mechanics !

The plants don’t even give reputation. Whats the point?