Guardian teir set

Then why not run 5 Prot Warriors if they’re impervious to damage?

You don’t understand how Last Stand works do you? Or Power Word: Shield apparently.

I get it. You’re trolling me. Nobody is that freaking dense.

Good one. Really had me going for a minute.

Here I’ll inform you quickly.

500k base health
100k absorb shield
150k damage ability
Shield absorbs 100k and disappears, you take 50k, end with 450k health

Shield mitigated 100k damage

500k health
15% temporary health =75k
150k damage ability
You take 150k damage, end at 425k health, temporary hp disappears, left at 425k health.

HP increase mitigated 75k damage

Understand how they both do the same job now? Can’t really dumb it down for you any more than that

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Oh yeah. Totes. Yeah, I get it. Having extra health prevents damage through magical, creative accounting and bears are fine. All those world class tank players are just making it all up for a conspiracy of unknown scope. Raid bosses only hit you once, right?

Lmao. Fool me once, shame on you you, fool me twice shame on me.

Complaining just to complain I see. Again, great argument

Ok… and UFR shield generating damage was more than doubled…. Tripled…. Quadrupled……despite the 25% nerf to conversion.

Stop making up numbers ya goof.

Are we just living in a world where earthwarden, pulverize, tooth and claw, moonlight dont exist?

“tHe dRuId tOoK aLL 5o0k”


You can’t “compare” tanks if you’re going to ignorantly include mitigation from one, and exclude the other.

…… stop talking.

There it is, folks.

The dumbest thing said all year.

……And it’s only March.

Bear overheal even counting only After the Wildfire on yourself is ridiculous, so yes extra health is the same as having DR. Even in very high keys a bear can easily heal back all the damage its taken if you don’t die before you get a chance.

Mitigation and health both accomplish the exact same goal from different ends. There’s a reason that when people are mathing out sims they compute things in “effective health” and “Time to live”.

You’ve got 2 kinds of damage: sustained and burst.


You’ve got 1000k hp and a 100k hit is incoming. You would be put at 90% hp.
Mitigation: You pop SI and take 50k instead. You are 95% health.
HP Boost: You pop an HP boost that doubles your health. You have 2000k, take 100k, you are at 95% hp.

Getting 50% DR is the same as getting a 100% health boost. DRs are worth more effective health than they would appear. And if you’re a healer, you’d rather see DR than a huge HP pool. But in a world where bear druids are healing a lot based on the % of their health pool, they are functionally the same.

A 15% health boost will leave you at the same hp% after taking a hit as a 13% DR would. A 15% health boost will leave you at the same hp% after taking 20 hits as a 13% DR would.

The only way a 15% health boost is worse, is the amount heals contribute to your hp is less. But how much overhealing we currently have, it’s not an issue right now.

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Both increased health and DRs increase your TTL.

But one is bad and one is good apparently =/

Health and mitigation are different but serve a similar purpose. Of course with higher health you can survive longer because it takes longer for the mobs to kill you and there is less overhealing.

You mitigate damage by reducing the amount of incoming damage with abilities. This is why bears where considered the HP sponge back in the day, we had a ton of hp and very little mitigation.

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You edited your statement just as I was responding. But yes, they are different. They accomplish the exact same goal, though.

HP spongey-ness matters, but it mattered WAAAAAAAAy more back in Cata than it does these days. The curreny meta for some tanks is they heal themselves. Bears, DKs, and VDH self heal. Bears heal of a % of their max health. So What our max health is doesn’t really matter. The more of it we have, the better off we are.

If we were in the Cata meta, where tanks don’t really self heal at all and healers can actually oom or find themselves unable to keep up with the sustained damage going out on a tank, having high hp would be a lot worse than having high mitigation.

Wouldn’t the value of increased health as a mitigation tool be severely diminished if its just eating up extra overhealing? If a healer/tank overheals by 100k what does it matter if they now overheal you by 85k?

I guess if you are saying the trickle down impact of our percentage based self heals effectively increase our mitigation by offsetting damage I could see that but I would think it would be much less than the percentages given here and certainly different than DR.

It’s the opposite, if I understand what you’re saying. Health and DRs are functionally the same as long as healing is so powerful that you have a lot of overhealing going on.

If you take a hit and I cast a heal on you, but 100k is overhealing, that’s functionally the same as if you take a hit, I cast 1 heal, and 85k is overhealing.

You only start to care about a tank being “a healing sponge” when they take a hit and you start to have to cast 1-2 heals MORE to top them off. Or worst case, you don’t feel like your healing can keep up with the damage they are taking at all.

But bears are designed to mostly be our own healers. And healing as a meta right now is really strong. Healers aren’t generally having a hard time keeping tanks alive, or topping us back off.

Anyway – If you do the math, Guardian tier set is probably the best out of any tier any other tank got. It’s a big buff to left side bears damage. It’s a big buff to our total survival. Does it fix some of the deep flaws in the spec? Not really. And I doubt it’s enough for us to suddenly be FotM. But we’ll probably be stronger relative to the key levels next tier than we were this tier, which is cool.


Even healing bonuses through talents and mastery increases your TTL.

I bet those don’t count either.

They can spend rage in a plethora more ways then we can. More rage for them is a great benefit.
Unlike bear they get a proper aoe dmg spender that dosent severely reduce single target and well capstone, plus more rage for ignore pain on top, for constant big magic dmg intake which was their main weakness aka temple, azure vault, ruby (especially the first boss of ruby). That helps drastically in the magic dmg intake for them.

If you played ol banner warrior in SL you would understand that.

This game is cd centric now. 15% more health all the time just isnt as good as having 30% when you actually need it along with a plethora of other benefits that come from that ability.

Btw did u see bear got 2 nerfs today, they also nerfed the regen talent that gave 40% regen, now its 30%. Really dont understand what they are trying to achieve with this kind of junk.

For years….


For Almost a decade….

“I hate maul, I don’t want to use maul. I’ll never use maul, maul sucks, get rid of maul. I’d rather die than put maul on my bars”

Now we have an AoE spender, just like revenge, but it replaces maul.

“bUt mY mAuL?!!!

I can’t make this up.

What a joke!

I swear to god…

I’m 100% convinced there isn’t anything they could do to guardian that Yulicilla won’t complain about.

Bears could be meta….miles ahead of every other tank and I promise there would be a thread in here with him crying about it.


Shield block (IF)
Revenge (Raze)

It’s not that they have more ways to spend rage, they just have more rage to spend. And I had mentioned before that that was one of Bears biggest issues was not having the Rage generation to be able to keep up 2 stacks of IF and maintain a decent UF shield.

Nope, played Reprisal + spear because it was fun.

Don’t bother. They’re just trolling. It’s creative. Got me at first too.

Just pray that the WoW dev in charge of guardian Druids tries playing one before 10.1.

You’re trolling with your garbage take on guardian, made up figures and inability to comprehend BASIC tanking fundamentals.

Stick to boomkin, imo.

No, I have less hp than before the update.
Prot pally has the worst tier next season. Next season tier will may be the guardian druid’s saving grace.