Guardian Shaman

I know this is not going to happen, but it’s fun thinking about all of this stuff, and so I put together what I think would be cool for a new Guardian Shaman (tank role) specialization.

We could tank (albeit with a lot of help and specific gearing) in Vanilla, BC, and even Wrath, and we do not have any Mail classes that can tank currently.

Obviously, some numbers would need to be tweaked, but I think this ‘could’ be a good setup. I’ve not included the abilities outside of the talent trees and passives yet, but I just wanted to get this out here - and who knows, maybe Blizz will actually consider it for the next xpac?

Passive: Elemental Warding
Fire, Frost, and Nature damage taken is reduced by 15%

Passive: Shield Specialization
Your block chance and block amount are increased by 20% (tbd) while you have a shield equipped

Passive: Guardian Totems
Your Guardian Totems reduce the damage you take from all sources by 15%

Passive: Toughness
Your armor value is increased by 10%


Tier 1 - Level 15
Regenerating Ankh
Spending mana reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation ability by 1 second.

Mana Stream Totem
Healing Stream totem now also regenerates mana

Fire from Earth
Your Earthbind, Earthgrab, and Stoneskin totems now also pulse fire damage to nearby enemies.

Tier 2 - Level 25
Critical hits increase your attack speed by 50% for the next 3 hits.
Whilst Flurry is active your Leech is increased by 2%.

Enhancing Totems
Replaces Guardian Totems
Your Guardian Totems increase your Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 16%

Totemic Focus
Your totems no longer use mana, and can be moved freely without penalty. Only 1 totem of each element can be placed at a time.

Tier 3 - Level 30
Spirit Wolf
While in Ghost Wolf, gain 5% increased movement speed and 5% damage reduction - 4 stack

Empowered Shields
Your elemental shields becomes Auras, and are no longer dispellable, or contain charges.

Static Charge
Reduces the cooldown of Capacitor Totem by 5 for each enemy it hits.

Tier 4 - Level 35
Elemental Specialization
Earth Shock
Fire Elemental
Fire Elemental Totem (Passive)

Enhancement Specialization
Dual Wield
Windfury Weapon
Windfury Totem

Restoration Specialization
Healing Rain
Healing Tide Totem
Healing Tide Totem (Passive)

Tier 5 - Level 40
Earthgrab Totem
Replaces Earthbind Totem
2 minute cooldown
Summons a totem for 15 sec that roots enemies within 10 yards in place for 5 secs.

Eye of the Storm
Abilities associated with your chosen Affinity are substantially empowered for 45 sec.

  • Elemental Affinity
    • Damage of Earth Shock, Earthquake, and Fire Elemental increased by 30%
  • Enhancement Affinity
    • Windfury always resets the cooldown of Stormstrike.
    • Stormstrike and Windfury now do 30% additional damage.
  • Restoration Affinity
    • Riptide, Healing Rain, and Healing Tide Totem now heal for 30% more and their mana costs are reduced by 50%.

Wind Rush Totem
2 minute cooldown
Summons a totem for 15 sec that increases the movement speed of allies by 60% for 5 secs.

Tier 6 - Level 45
Ancestral Healing
Upon receiving a critical heal your Armor and Leech is increased by 4%

Health Linked Totems
You now share damage taken with your active totems (max 4).
Your totems health are now 15% of your maximum health pool.

Elemental Protection Totem
5 minute cooldown
Summons a totem at your feet using Earth, Fire, Air, and Water for 15 seconds.
You are immune to Physical, Fire, Frost, and Ranged attacks for this duration.
No other totems can be used while this totem is active.

Tier 7 - Level 50
Improved Reincarnation
If your Reincarnation ability is off cooldown when you would take damage that would kill you, the cooldown is consumed and you are restored to 60% hp and mana.
You take 30% less damage for 4 seconds.

Elemental Weapons
Your attacks have a chance to echo all enemies within 8ds, applying Flame Shock for 18 seconds and a 70% reduced movement speed for 3 seconds to all enemies hit.
(once per 30 sec)

Lava Shield
Surround yourself with a shield of Lava for 30 min.
Melee attackers have a 100% chance to suffer (3.6% of Spell power) Fire damage and then an additional (6% of Spell power) Fire damage over 6 sec.
Critical strike chance is increased by 10%.


In general, yes I think a tank shaman would be a cool alteration :slight_smile:

sadly it wont happen though.


10/10 on the Ankh talents though; strong possibility of this spec going live next expansion lol.

Jokes aside, it would be nice.


We’ve been begging for Earth Warden forever.

I don’t think we will ever see it.


I’ve always wanted a tank-spec shaman. It seems like such an obvious candidate.


The enhance shaman early on had several tanky qualities

I would love to have the ability to make enhance be able to be a tank or dps spec. Or even just adding a 4th tank spec.

To me it’s always been what I have felt would make the shaman a perfect class for me.

Big upvote from me


Great Shaman tank spec name though

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I was thinking Earthbinder, or Earthwarden, but I was told that Guardian would make more sense, because it’s a Nature class like the Druid… lol

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Earth Warden is the one most people bandy around.

I think if they gave us choices, it would probably get the most votes.

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Guardian already exists for Druids (not that I’m fond of it), so I would lean towards Earth SOMTHING long before Guardian.

It’s bad enough they have two tanks specs called “Protection” already.

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EarthyBoi > Earth Warden

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We share a Restoration name with Druid…

Exactly, which is why they shouldn’t keep reusing the same names.

I’d rather see them rename all of our specs. I’d also like to see a true rework of all our specs AND have them add a tanking spec.

There are 4 elements. Shaman should have 4 specs to match. They’ve already sort of focused them into specific elements already. They need to truly double down on that and make the specs great.

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They aren’t focused around single elements at all

  • resto uses water and earth, along with fire for dps
  • elemental uses air (lightning), fire, and earth with talents for frost (Icefury)
  • enhancement uses air (lightning), fire (flame shock/lava lash), earth (sundering/earthen spike), and frost (hailstorm/frost shock)

They are, just not fully.

Resto is mostly water.
Ele is mostly fire
Enhance is mostly air.

Sure, there is crossover, but the core of those specs are pretty obvious.

Edit: And I’m not saying there SHOULDN’T be crossover in a rework, but they could focus more on the core element of each spec (with earth being for tanking) and come up with something truly unique.

Just to clarify what I’m saying above:

Water is restorative
Fire is destructive
Air is for speed
Earth is for defense

They need to focus around those ideas in order to make the class and each spec good again.


Name it guardian this prot that, idc. I would play that spec in a heartbeat


Blizz screwed the pooch with shaman tanks. I tank on my sham in vanilla and its great fun, itemization is buns but its rewarding. They could have easily made a tank spec but choose not to because no one wants more tanks apparently. Everyone has been asking for sham and lock tanks and its always no.

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i would say enhancement is mostly lighting.

I would 100% play a shaman tank if they would ever do it.


Alright, so I have agreed and definitely would play this spec without reservation. With that said, I showed my brother this post and he made me think. If this were to come to pass what would the reason for bringing an enh shaman if the tank brings wf/lust. It would be yet another reason not to bring them and would hurt the class even more. He made an example that ret pallies have the same issue with their utility, they have a lot of it but prot and holy, if brought, brings that same utility and has no need to bring a ret. Bring that dk for brez or dh for 5% magic dmg, warrior for shouts ect. Not saying that we wouldnt be over the moon about a new tank spec for shaman but what would the ramifications for a spec that I love right now. Again I will reiterate that I would love a tank shaman lol