Guardian of forgotten queens doesn’t immune falling dmg

I just died after using guardian of forgotten queen from falling dmg whilst it says the same tooltip as divine shield. Why should it act any different ?

There is lataency between casting the spell and getting the effect due to it summoning the npc that creates said sheild.

It takes a second or so to work and when falling that is hard to time, best stick with divine sheild when falling.


lol I’m the top 1 world prot paladin. If you think I don’t know that you’re either a new player or you don’t meet the intellectual requirements for forum posting. This bug has been a thing for over 6 years when I reported it in BFA and it still isn’t fixed. The falling dmg is neither physical nor magic so it goes trough the bubble because blizzard can’t program.

  1. Don’t lie.
  2. If you where, then you’d had been smart enough to not even try to use queen’s when falling and about to die.

We spoke before… So obviously I’m not new. The other comment I am not entertaining you with.

This “bug” happens because the npc needs to spawn first and then cast the spell. This is a known feature of the spell, and a cost to be able to use an immune on allies. It is meant to be counterable in pvp because ya know… it’s a pvp only spell.

Doesn’t matter nor apply here.


it’s been a while since i didn’t have bubble from a fight in open world and i expected them to have fixed a bug ive reported over 10 times in the past 4 years.

Your dont lie doesn’t really hold up there i am in fact the top 1 world prot paladin in season 4 of SL and the highest prot ever on the 3v3 leaderboard and 2v2 leaderboard and have been top some if not most seasons in rbgs too when prot was viable in pvp.
If you dont know who I am and my background as prot paladin its your own fault because everyone knows me in the pvp community as the top 1 world prot paladin ( and it comes with alot of toxicity towards me for being the highest tank in pvp)

This bug happens because the queen does not register the falling dmg and not because im not casting it ahead of time, dont worry i’ve got the skills if im able to 1v2 in arenas.

Do not even try to mansplain without proof of code here because i know the literal coding behind most prot paladin spells since it was available to players during BFA and Shadowlands on Ask.mrRobot which was very useful to debunk alot of bugs and issues.

here’s a clip of our r1 push game :

Number one at being wring accross the forums sure. This isn’t the first post you tried to flex whatcha don’t got.

Don’t respond. Muting this thread.

You need to stop lying, I have been higher rating then you in both 2s and 3s and I know for a fact others have too.

Literally if you check pvp both of us my peak ratings are higher than yours lmao

Your peak 2s rating is 2563 and 3s is 2763.
Mine is 2615 2s and 2845 3s.

Your off season exploits dont count, stop trying to lie to people and act like you got that rating during an actual season. You’ve never been above me in 2s, 3s or rbgs during BFA and SL.
the only competition i had was stunandbung, it was a simple fight for top 1 in 3s cuz i was winning in 2s all the time since he didn’t do 2s or rbgs either for that matter.

You’re actually just lying more now and it’s embarrassing. I’m not quoting off season exploits. I’m counting the seasons I literally got the rating in. Sinking to a new low by lying like this. You used to try and say you were #1 mid SL and stuff due to MMR being high early on like that meant any thing. You have not hit my rating and need to accept that. Incredibly childish to double down on the lies. In fact you have 0 proof you’ve been higher rating then me because when you look up our toons mine shows as higher.

Try to write it off however you want, but we played the same seasons and I was peaking higher. Gonna have to accept that.

mmr wasn’t high early on during the seasons, i was just r1 mmr every glad push i did and for me the season ended after 2 weeks into the season cuz we would get gladiator in the first 2 week of every season while every other prot pal was still 1.8k hardstuck.
If you got your cr due to inflation after that you dont have any skills and just boosted by inflation. Like me being 2.5k in 2s in the begining of the season is 3k + end of season, facing the same people. same for 3s. We just never had a reason to push after gladiator because we have lives and dont need a title that nobody reads or sees.

You’re just making stuff up about how the rating goes. You can’t add on your own random inflation to say 2.5 early is 3k later. You couldn’t get there for a reason. You act like a child with this and it’s ridiculous. Calling me boosted by inflation when you’ve been unable to do anything post Shadowlands after the prot nerf is rich. Even swapping to ret when it was broken you couldn’t get gladiator. Everyone on here knows you lie, it’s just sad. Until you can actually pass my peaks by the hard number and not your made up inflation BS I’d recommend not making such absurd statements. Makes you look even more foolish.

I’m gonna go keep playing 3s as prot and getting rating. Have fun.

literally have pushed end of season in season 4 of SL and it was r1 mmr and cr, so yes if we did q during every other season till end of season we wouldve been r1 cr and mmr too. like our 2780 in season 4 is literally 3.5k + in other seasons.

Your what ifs are worthless. You haven’t been the highest rating out of the prots. You’re all bark and no bite.

literally the top 1 end of season in SL s4, would be in every other season if my teamates didn’t call it quits whenever we would get glad, and since we’d get glad in the first 2 weeks they would just bail and stop playing after 2 weeks of the season being live.