Guardian is just... a boring spec

I don’t believe many people are looking for a complete redo of Guardian. I personally would just like to have more interaction between abilities like Maul to maybe make it useful. It would be nice to be able to have a complete utility kit so we can do the things you mention. Only letting us have typhoon or vortex does not help. I mean as a tank why do we not have a slow, even one as a talent? I am not a fan of the Affinity talent row and we should have a charge baseline.


Technically speaking, Ursol’s Vortex is listed as a slow. I’ve never used it because I prefer to have Charge available more often. I think I should change it and test it out a little bit more.

Why an ability named after a Bear Spirit but is seen to be Restoration’s version of Ring of Peace is anyone’s guess, though.

I would have made it a baseline Guardian ability and made it more of an aura, myself. Almost a version of Gorefiend’s Grasp, in a way.

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That ability has always confused me tbh. It looks like a Balance ability what with swirling winds that pull you back to the center but for some reason it’s named after Ursol.

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I would be fine with the name if it stayed centered on the character, as keeping mobs in range makes sense. But as a “Ring of Peace” it just doesn’t fly very well.

Ursol’s Vortex is incredibly useful once you get your head around it. Mobs run when they get low? Vortex. Mobs’s have a leap or charge attack? Vortex. Need to drop a debuff, or shift out bear for a sec? Vortex. Kiting in general? Vortex. Want to keep the mobs all in one place so you can blow them up with a cannon? Vortex. Finding all the places it can be useful is part of the fun. I’m excited that a lot more Druids will get to try it out in Shadowlands. =)

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Oh, I’m fine with the concept, it’s just being named after Ursol and not pulling mobs back to the tank both hit me wrong. Maybe it’s because I submitted a similar power as part of a Tanker powerset in City of Heroes that I’m so stuck on it (Gravitic Armor, btw).

It gets worse being placed as a Restoration baseline spell. Maybe if it was called Aviana’s Vortex it would sit with me better.

I know, I know, I’m being nit picky, but that’s part of the point of forums, to hash out ideas.

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The druid toolkit overall is fun but the issue for me is that it’s very hard to use non-guardian forms and abilities as guardian spec. With resto, balance, or feral, you can swap into a different form and use its abilities (i.e., resto catweaving, which is great fun and fits the theme of the class purr-fectly. sorry.) As a guardian when you’re tanking something, you’re stuck in bear form and your chosen affinity’s active abilities are often useless when you need them the most.

Having some abilities castable in form is helpful, but it would be more interesting I think to have a few seconds where your tank stats persist when you swap out of bear form. Being able to drop bear form and toss a heal or CC without getting one shot would be a lot more fun.



What to you guys think if they add Leader of the Pack baseline for ferals and make it a part of feral affinity instead of useless maim? I think it would be an awesome talent row then and we will finally have an alternative to resto affinity.

E.g. in raid you can sacrifice extra healing for a group dps increase and in M+ you can take resto skills.

Upd: if someone have beta access - can you propose this idea on Shadowlands beta forum? Looks like they are working on feral spec and probably will give more utility to them.


The affinity talent row just needs to be removed. Most of those abilities were baseline spells before and were pruned so they could be packaged into something that really isn’t necessary (talents in that row).

For example, Cat Form should really have Rake + Rip baseline; Caster form Rejuvenation; Bear Form Frenzy Regen. These are iconic Druid abilities that should be tied to the form itself - not an affinity choice.


I absolutely agree with this statement but most probably this is not going to happen anytime soon. Imho affinities should have only passive abilities + some cc, everything else should be baseline.

But since we won’t get it I think that LotP can reanimate feral affinity for tanks.


Oh man I nearly died laughing.

Imagine barely timing 16’s and thinking you know poop all about bear tanking. We swiftmend all the time. If you can’t find or create opportunities to swiftmend/wildgrowth critical moments, then you fail at bear, and is probably why you think it is boring.


Not in Shadowlands.


I’m hopeful for at least a talent shake-up after yesterday’s barrage of updates. The feedback on Guardian has been pretty robust. The only 2 specs that have big glaring gameplay issues now are Guardian and maybe Survival.

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Imagine thinking you have to do a 20 to realize the spec is garbo.


But not tigers dash tho…


“BuT ShIFtiNg bEAr FOrM dUMpS aLL mY rAgE”

In SL Swiftmend will cost at least 3 GCDs to use and get back into bear form. There is no reason to try and put down other bears when everyone is just trying to make our spec better.


He is welcome to his opinion. I am actively playing alpha/beta trying to get some real changes effected for druid.

I dont run anything higher than that because

  1. i am 478 in my feral set, so why would i need to. Chasing raiderio prestige isnt really something i care all that much about. I dont think ive even run a 15+ key in 4 months, but even then they werent that challenging, 4 months ago i was timing 15s with 7+ minutes to spare on the timer.
  2. 90% of my runs are with my wife, who can not do a 15, and
  3. my tiny server with a huge faction imbalance forces me to pug all my runs. Destros has 3 other people that are in over 40 of his runs. I have 1 person(my wife), and the rest of the people in my top 5 are also my wifes alts(altaholic). You can look all this up on if you guys are curious about who you do most of your runs with and things like that.

This is an interesting conversation. I’m not saying 20s are easy, but Puglife aint easy either, i see people in my 15s that dont know how to do basic mechanics (dont stack on trogg boss in junkyard), and i have to try and teach them to time it. I’m really hoping my server merges so we can get more people interested in pushing keys on my server.



Lets walk this thread to the top of the list. We will be HEARD!
