Guardian is just... a boring spec

I would if i had beta. Not sure if I’ve really seen people in beta that main Guardian. Most of what I’ve seen are people making videos of every class and dont have extensive experience on Guardian.


Would love to if I was graced with some beta access!


Echoing Baumkralle and Whales - If I had access, I would. I hate seeing when anyone does comment with Guardian feedback it’s soon burried under Balance feedback (I dont mind so much when it’s Feral but still same for that too) I kinda get irritated because it just seems like…there isnt enough Guardian players that

A) Either have access to Beta to give feedback. Or sadly
B) Have access, Think it’s fine / maybe are casual players and dont do too much and dont care to comment on Beta Feedback because well to them everything’s hunkey dorey.

Edit : Except for of course those few that have been posting. <3 you guys and gals.


I’ve been posting Guardian feedback since Alpha, I just don’t think Blizzard gives a damn.


Think we just need to keep being the squeaky wheel for as long as it takes to get some oil.

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I have my fingers crossed that they re-classified the Berserk haste conduit as all specs rather than just Guardian so that we’ll get a decent Thrash conduit now. Come on Blizz, toss us a bone!


I have. There are only so many ways to say that nothing has changed for bears and that the spec is still awful.

Blizzard hasn’t acknowledged a single guardian feedback post in the thread.


really broken in pvp tho. not too uncommon to see bear druids pulling 10+ mil heals in a bg. a dh tank would never pull those numbers

This may have more to do with the way guardian druid mastery works. The guardian druid gets credit for the healing other healers are doing.

For example, if the mastery was at 20%, you receive 20% more healing from sources, but it doesn’t just make heals 20% larger, the druid casts a spell on himself healing himself for that extra 20% separate to the heal that caused it. Shows up as Nature’s Guardian in the logs.


One change that might work is to let the bear form defensive stats / bonuses persist for 5 seconds or so after shifting out. This would be enough time to swap to caster form, toss an innervate, cyclone, or heal, then swap back without getting pummeled. It could have 30 second cool down or so. Rage decay could be slowed or stopped altogether. It could pair well with HotW too so you would have even stronger hybrid abilities when needed, such as an empowered wild growth.


yeah, its crazy to lose all defensive bonuses. jumping into cannons in tol dagor as a guardian druid, prepare to lose all defense. want to mount in a dungeon and gather up mobs, prepare to lose all defense. I’m sure theres other examples of this in dungeons/raids. Its nuts really.


And as bad as that is, you lose almost all your Guardian Resource when you shift. That’s not so bad if you’re already on empty, but when you can’t dump your Rage before shifting, it’s a problem.


Doesnt even do anything if you dump it into ironfur either, dropping bearform cancels the ironfur buff :frowning:


My favorite are encounter mechanics that force you out of bear form, like the psychus transition. Because that’s good design, to punish the weakest tank for daring to do anything but world quests.


I’ve been saying this about the TD cannons all expansion. Obviously the play is to have a Rogue MD you and blast, but in many pugs without a Rogue I end up doing the cannons. On the second set before Knight Captain Valyri I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been gibbed when I don’t execute perfectly and a hand-cuff or something goes off because all my defence is tied to a form I can’t use in the cannon. No other tank suffers like that.



What do us Guardian Druids have to do to get a blizzard employee to relay some feed back from us? Other tanks got some extremely good additions and changes, but we get no fundamental changes. Bezerk was to get our dps at par since we’re losing our TD corruption. Now blizz whats your addition that will blow us out of our socks? Give us identity and give us some damn HOPE. I’ve seen countless posts from bear after bear looking for answers and it falls on deaf ears.

All we can do is post and cross our fingers… WE WILL BE HEARD!!



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Michael Dorn’s voice IS quite engaging, even if he got beat up a lot on Star Trek and was a split-personality gargoyle…

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Worf was like a Guardian Druid, everybody talked about how great and “viable” he was, fierce, RAWR, then a fight would happen and he’d fall over like a sack of potatoes.

EDIT: Except DS9 Worf, he was a bear from Legion.


I’m glad that the guardian rotation is simple. I don’t want to be playing some kind of puzzle game on my rotation, I want to focus on actual tank things, like positioning, survival, utility like swiftmend, wild growth, typhoon, vortex, kiting. Things that are actually fun.