Do you know anyone who actually wants a recolor of the Tomb of Sargeras set badly enough to do Mage Tower?
Seems like you’re really close. Is it ok to ask about it? I don’t want to seem to snarky saying this, but ive seen you post a lot about it and I really want you to succeed in it.
if you got to 2%, you basically have it, and you just need good pull in. and maybe to kite at the very end to live a bit extra.
MT is uniquely the only type of solo content like it. why shouldn’t it be this hard?
what does this really mean? bears aren’t exactly the same as from 2008.
this part i agree is wrong. the challenge should be enough to stand on its own. it doesn’t need to feel limited by time as well.
A tank should always be doing the most dps that they can.
Not only has this happened in the history of wow, but plenty of common mechanics force dps players to “tank” some damage, whether it being fixated on, or soaking mechanics where you need a mitigation cd to survive.
welcome to how killing things works.
this is false. there are ways to survive the 5th.
dps is a mechanic, so its 100% mechanics.
I don’t even like the bear skin, I just like the challenges.
I think that:
- There are people who do it for the challenge. Make it easy, and their reason for doing it goes away.
- There are people who do it because it’s perceived as “prestigious”. Make it easy, and their reason for doing it goes away.
- There are people who do it because they’re afraid of missing out. Make it available year-round, and their reason for doing it goes away.
I think the demands for nerfs would remove the reasons that people even want to do it. People want to feel special, but also want changes that would result in every druid in the game standing around wearing this skin in town.
All good friend! I can’t get him killed before the 4th or 5th annihilate. The 5th annihilate is game over for me. My DPS is just too low
You need more versatility for Phase 2. Your versatility is quite low. The 50 ilvl gear you have can take +7 versatility gems.
How is your phase 1? Do you struggle at all? How fast is it? How many infernals in P2?
What are your talents? What about trinkets?
What is the bottle neck in your DPS P2? What is your DPS number at P2? And if you’re getting so close now… and you might hate hearing this… what about consumables?
There might be a way to survive fifth annihilate, but oh I’m not brave enough to try. Timing so that you have ironfur, barskin, surv instic +incarn might save you.
prob would help more than the agil given stat weights. people usually use the 4 or 5 agil which would make it a bit closer.
idk what the existing verse translates to inside the tower but in my kill i had 312 agil and 26-28% verse. only got 2 annihilates. with the second coming in about when kruul had only 6% hp left.
so its my opinion/ hypothesis that people are really miss using the orbs. the guides/ and general focus seems to be to be taking as many stacks as possible instead of preventing that from ever happening.
my mechagon trinket did about 6k with 0 crits. per use.
idk what the existing verse translates to inside the tower but in my kill i had 315 agil and 26-28% verse.
Most of the people I see suffering through hundreds of attempts have 4-6% versatility.
granted, it took me over 100 attempts as well but that was just relearning the fight. where buttons needed to go etc.
got it in legion too and this actually felt easier than in legion. but im sure that’s because i knew what to expect and didnt get bricked walled trying to be a face tank in a pool of decay.
adapt and use the tools available. even use the enemies weapons against them. *regrowth with 5 stacks of decay and you actually get a full heal. vs no stacks and a pitiful heal.
Edit: and also, my gear is worlds better optimized than it ever was in legion.
Give me a few minutes to type a good response up lol I’m at work.
My mage tower gear is all socketed with +7 versatility gems.
I got all the gear gold can buy.
I’m going into stage two with a fresh infernal and one darn near dead already. Phase 1 I have down to a T.
Like I said I’ll give you the response later when I can
Yeah of course, just @ me whenever.
Definitely becoming convinced that the people who got the Balance Affinity strat rolling have done everyone a massive disservice. Just spec resto, and only leave bear form to hot yourself up in p1.
Most of the people I see suffering through hundreds of attempts have 4-6% versatility.
hmm…that could be a pretty big deal. My vers was 16%/8% when I did it. I put verse gems/enchants in everything because I didn’t really feel like wasting all that gold on agi stuff.
So yeah now I’m in my “oval office” lol.
I definitely have phase one down pretty much perfectly. I’m finishing it and a solid time. Starting phase two with full health one infernal that’s almost dead and the new one spawning.
My mage tower gear is level 54 Pandaria PVP gear with +7 versatility sockets. Oiled up claws of ursoc. Everything’s enchanted with a versatility buff. I have a Titan forged seed pod trinket and a Ghost iron dragonling trinket that has 2x +12 haste and 1 +12 versatility.
As for talents? Off the top of my head
balance affinity
heart of the wild
Galactic Guardian
Red and tear
I’m trying to think of the other ones lol You have to wait for a further edit lol
Ask for consumables I have
Heavy desolate armor kit
potion of phantom fire
steak ala mode
ShadowCore oil
Spirit potion… If that’s the name of it.
Veiled augmented rune
what consumables are you using and when are you using them?
I’ll use drums and fury potion at the start of Kruul. I used fury potion at the beginning of phase one but I got good enough at phase one that I no longer need it.
Edit: I actually don’t use any consumables in phase one anymore.
OP is losing 12 secondary stats on the helm over a regular lvl50 helm, the sha gem doesnt work, a lvl50 have 14 agility too, same for the belt, hes losing 7 secondary stats.
His trinkets are expensive and kinda good, but Ravaged Seed Pod and Unblinking Gaze of Sethe are free and just better.
His neck is really good, 57 stats plus satyr, but you can have a 69 stats free neck of azeroth if gold is an issue.
another useful tool is recording your attempts. you can learn a lot of where things are going wrong by watching things. get that extra time to process what was going on and what you could have done better. then in future attempts you know how to better be ready for it.
as a bonus, you get a kill video you can post on youtube when you finally do succeed.
steak ala mode
I’ve been using bear tartare. Gives you more movement p1 and p2, I think it helps with survivability since you aren’t as messed up by the green puddles and the purple stuff.
potion of phantom fire
Not sure how well that does, I ended up using unbridled fury. Worth a try maybe? But very expensive.
ShadowCore oil
x2? And what are your enchantments on your weapons? I used sinful reveleation and lightless fury. Ursoc’s artifact for weapons yes?
What’s the % dps of your trinket? You should pick up the Sethe trinket from HFC, Lord Iskar (any difficulty).
What’s the bottleneck on your dps p2? Are you on Kruul the whole time? Do you get pushed back a lot? What’s your final dps number? Thought about using incarn instead?
Yeah I’m using lightless force and sinful revelation I believe on both my clothes as well as the oils.
Every now and then Velen will die from the ads.
8 out of 10 times I’m on Kruul and killing ads with AOE
Edit: I was told frenzied regeneration aggros the ads to you but I’ve never noticed this. So I’ll pop regrowth when I can to pull them away from Velen