Guardian druid mage tower

Brawlers guild is DPS content though.

Anywho, P1 of Kruul is solid for tanks, it’s just p2 for some classes with low base dps (bear) that’s a problem.


This right here is why the Mage Tower isnt Tuned Correctly. 194 Attempts for me. On the attempt that I won, I just had a ton of procs going on. Guardian Leggo, with double shadowcore oil. Defense Matrix from SoD, Iksar’s trinket. My procs were in the 35% to 40% of my damage.

The challenge is doable. But to rely that much on RNG Procs to get it done, isnt a good thing. A lot of attempts I made mistakes. But the close ones, Sub 10% wipes, I just didnt have the DPS. Then the stars aligned and I got a proc heavy encounter and won.


I’d have the fight made if I could put out enough DPS before the 4th annihilate.

Which maybe if I stay in Moonkin Form the entire 2nd phase.

Once you get the mechanics down, like most have since Legion it’s not that bad.

Though I do laugh that their 0.5 yard change to variss circle


The mechanics aren’t the hard part for bear. The p2 dps check is the hard part.

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One thrash or swipe should get them, if you’re struggling use an orb when they’re bunched up.

Try ursoc. Unbridled fury pot, drums, pick up sethe’s trinket. Mangle maul on cooldown. Frenzied regen as needed during ursoc. Ironfur for first annihilate only. Don’t forget to put your moonfire ticks. Keep Kruul on your pod 100% of the time. You should have 30 seconds of massive dps.

I found that galactic guardian did not proc nearly enough for me to make meaningful dps on him.

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Yeah Incarn may be better, I’m not sure. GG smoothed out prog but considering P1 is easy once you learn it, Incarn may be the play.

Even if it is, why does this matter?

Why not?

Because it’s a legion timewalking feature.

Looks like I’ll get rid of galactic Guardian

There are plenty of instances of tanks needing to pump out fat dps. Mythic+, for example. And plenty of examples of dps needing to mitigate large damage. Any raid, for example.

Nobody tell him about orb management, I’m enjoying this too much.

Just let him have this, it’s all he’s got.

Can you show me your source on that data?

I’ve never seen so many people beg for a challenge then get mad when they get a challenge.

“My subjective opinion is [insert unproveable conjecture here].”

Me. I’m head over heels for the DK set, and the rogue, lock, and dh sets are up there too. I can’t imagine I’m the only one, or the tower wouldn’t still be flooded with people outside of it.

I used mine to great effect, but it comes down to personal preference on this one. Even if it doesn’t proc every time, it helps with adds over time.

I have been managing to get to Kruul regularly, but I struggle to stay healed enough to survive the third annihilate.

I think that’s a mitigation and timing issue.

Memorize this pattern. On the first annihilation you could even make do with 1 ironfur, and if you’re using ursoc (and i prefer it) incarnation you’ll be super safe. You’ll have free healing with low CD frenzied regen anyways.

If you see annihilate come up you can use an orb to prepare yourself real quick. Or/and use it to get yourself back up immediately. If Kruul is near death don’t be afraid to be liberal with orbs.

with how many orbs up? how many orbs do you take into p2?

after they did the 10% hp nerf in week 1 the dps check had gone down a decent amount imo.

how much total hp do you have?

Edit: in my kill i had 11.7k max hp

Thank you. I have been doing my bets to follow this pattern, but I find 30% damage reduction doesn’t save me when I’m at <50% HP!

It also doesn’t help that, for some reason, using the orbs to interupt instantly cleanses all dots meaning 21 seconds minimum of getting your dps back up unless Berserk is currently active.

Brewa did you get it?

Havn’t seen you around lately, still riding that monk train?

This is actually one of my biggest complaints. FOMO is a disgusting mechanic to throw on people; especially for content that is a rehash of something previously retired.

The two-week window with which to complete this challenge is crippling and done in poor taste.

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It’s four weeks.

I’m speaking about from now.

Time ticks away.