Guardian druid Mage Tower

Yah, all that seems pretty standard for proper play. Makes sense. He was essentially doubting that it was possible without the use of potting I believe or other wild trinkets. For all I know I could have had some 1 infernal pulls as well, I just don’t remember because I didn’t care much about how many infernals lol.

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Well I’ve gotten the inquisitor down to about 25% now, I seem to be making slow progress…

Doesn’t help that I have a leaky pipe in my house and I had to shut off the water so now I have that + christmas time + I work full-time so still not sure if I will be able to finish the challenge in time but w/e.

In phase 2 how often do the ghosts spawn? is it sooner than the cd on incapacitating roar to interrupt them? Because other than that and the orbs I’m not sure how to interrupt them.

30 seconds-ish, if you use Roar on one set, you should have it for the next set.
You can also Typhoon them.

I don’t know the exact timers, I didn’t use any addons but roar should be up for sure and if not, like the guy above said, use typhoon. You’ll never need more than that.

I totally forgot about typhoon lol, thanks!


use weak auras and import the wago. io mt string…you need macros and warnings

Few more questions if any1 can answer…

I’m having trouble on phase 2 with movement, specifically the green puddles that he throws down. Not only do they slow you down but they also do damage. Is there a way to know when those are coming? I think the boss also throws out a slow every now and then. Jumping over the purple lines does seem to work, although you do lose the ability to change directions while jumping.

Netherstomps are on a 15s CD. I believe there are addons that can give you timers for them (DBM I think has an option for this).

His casts at the start of the phase are a bit random, so it’s less consistent at the start of the phase (will almost always be either stomp->annihilate->twisted reflection or annihilate->twisted reflection->stomp). For the rest of the phase, I always orb before each annihilate, and doing that he will usually stomp after each annihilate, then stomp again once the nether horrors are about in the center of the arena.

The only other slow that kruul has is void bolt, which he only uses if you’re far away (and even then, I find he usually targets velen). If you’re far from him at the start of the phase though, he’ll often throw it at you, giving you a slow for the first 10s of the phase, which is annoying but usually not a problem if you’ve transitioned well.

Ahhh I see!

I’m using DBM so not sure if there is a notification for Netherstomp but I will check later.

296 attempts for the down here. It can be done /proudcry and /sadcry it took that long.

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I did it in 7.3. It’s a whole different beast now. Back then it wasn’t much about gear, but about just doing the mechanics correctly. You didn’t do boomkin form half the fight, and it wasn’t nearly as much of a DPS check which is just odd for a tank challenge.

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Got this tonight… and it would not have been possible without Potion of Unbridled Fury (10.3k damage on Kruul). Some facts about my run:

  • talents: 1/3/1/3/3/2/1
  • I did 791 dps overall
  • Total run took 4 minutes 26 seconds
  • Popped incarnation, drums, and unbridled fury at beginning of phase 2
  • I died at 1% with 3 thrash stacks, moonfire, and a dot from my trinket. Got lucky that I didn’t have the netherbois up at the time (they were just coming out of the doors)
  • In p1, I cleaved adds on Varis (hiiighly reecommend practicing this to speed up p1 times. Sometimes you even get the inc cap for drain life as well)
  • If you pop incarn/berserk, don’t forget you can spam frenzied regen a bunch (cause it comes off CD a lot faster)
  • I tended to keep at least 1 ironfur up at all times (had a ton of rage)
  • I definitely had to use orbs at the end to prevent stuff from killing me and velen (was panicking)
  • BIG NOTE: if there are 2 purple beams, you can’t jump trhough both. People online tend to say they’re no big deal, but they are if you’re touching 2 of them (they’ll still push you back)
  • My trinkets: Bottled Flaywing Toxin and Phial of Putrification
  • Took ~100 attempts I’d say
  • So incredibly frustrating, I’m just glad it’s over lol
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I’m really close. Got him to 3% on one attempt and 4% on another. On one I died shortly after the 4th annihilate just because I’m taking so much damage from it + the ghosts and green pools that I just die. I’m probably going to try to save heart of the wild for p2 and try to owl weave a bit in there for some extra dps with starsurge/sunfire. The only problem with that is I can’t always push p2 with 2 infernals without using HotW.

Thanks to all that helped me out on this! I just got it after probably around 250-300 attempts.
Some tips to anyone still working on it:

mouseover macros are your friends for phase 1.
for phase 2:
if you’re a tauren you can warstomp Kruul’s annihilate to delay it a bit.
try to kite him around the edges to leave the middle free for velen and his golden orbs.

That’s about it, really. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

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It’s the annoying infernals that keep getting me.

I find that they didn’t really bother me for the most part in P2 because your kiting Kruul anyways and they are only deadly if you aren’t moving or are moving very slow (getting caught in green puddles or the purple lines).

If youre a nelf you can shadowmeld and let the DH get a hit of annihilate, but it is difficult to time it.

Does that work in p2?

In p1 if you meld, the boss will despawn and end the encounter.

I was using that when I made a mistake and wanted to reset.

Yes. This is because DH enters as DPS and is targetable.

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