We can agree to disagree on that; which is why I was here.
But, nothing is being accomplished at this point.
I came, I vented, some agreed, some didn’t.
So I’ll leave on this note: Grats on your guys’ fel hulk bear.
We can agree to disagree on that; which is why I was here.
But, nothing is being accomplished at this point.
I came, I vented, some agreed, some didn’t.
So I’ll leave on this note: Grats on your guys’ fel hulk bear.
? I had one timing error that didn’t change the context of my response that I corrected, and literally everything else I said was correct.
You’re objectively wrong.
I’m defending my correct statements and opinions, while you’re being directly contrarian and nitpicking comments in an attempt to make my still-correct statements seem inaccurate when they are not.
You’re not asking questions, you’re being accusatory.
I’m defending myself and my words, because you claimed that I was being a hypocrite when I wasn’t. You implied that the challenges were P2W by the loosest logic. You’ve consistently shifted your goalposts when you’re incorrect and have under no circumstances ever admitted any wrongdoing.
You have an attitude.
Done responding to you, though. I wish you luck on your challenge; it should be easy since you have Scaled gear and trinkets!
I mean… no?
You even agreed with me when I first corrected you.
Here ill quote it…
Im just asking you to show your work.
Why are you defensive about that?
Pushing p1 with 1 infernal with just “basic” consumables in pvp gear and an unused battle master trinket doesn’t add up to me.
There’s a difference between saying they’re not mandatory and “coaxing others to not use them.” They [consumables] were only even brought up because Tical decided to say that made it P2W. I’m confident that without my extra 3% extra damage I would have killed him regardless. I wasn’t splitting hairs.
Well I’ll concede that I don’t know how it was presented. Did they say it was coming back as a casual fun time? Because when the original MT released it was every bit as challenging. So if they just said it was coming back… then I’d say this is an inference issue on the community’s behalf.
Except nothing from the old tower is available as a reward except a slightly different bear form yeah? Surely the druid one wouldn’t be exclusive to such rules.
I don’t know how to respond to this given the context. Not every player can do this.
Sure, but I wasn’t saying this was WF territory directly. WF only uses those things because you’re competing against other people as much as the mechanics. The community drives that precedent.
Why are you so against a dps check? What would you rather the challenge be, survive for 4 minutes? Tanks dps matters too. I personally don’t see anything wrong with testing all metrics of fighting. With the added portion of defending velen. Since you’re a tank. Is that what all of this boils down to, you just think tanks shouldn’t tested on dps? I mean no sense in arguing an opinion. If you ask me though, if I just had to fall asleep and interrupt every 15s I’d call that free.
I don’t know where you’re referring to
Past 5, no. But up to 5, yes.
However I’d say is common to kill it at 4
You’re not wrong here. But I just think the community, as a whole, want spoon fed. I don’t treat the masses as right purely off the bell curve.
You’ve been fairly well tempered so I’ll let it go with you as well. (I respond as I read so, sorry for the previous redundancy). In any case I apologize if I ever came off condescending. Best of luck to your future tries.
You’re getting the Tical treatment. I’m leaving this to you . Been there.
Get the trinkets
I almost forgot. I’d like to add that I’ve had very, very close kills both with drain life in phase 1 going off for a long time due to an unfortunate knock AND even after I missed a kick for a similar reason in P2. Despite the large amount of health he recovered I still got him to like 3-5% or so that run. With perfect play I’m sure there is PLENTY of time to do this. Even on my kill and I’m sure it’s like this with other people, it was far from perfect in every way. It was simply good enough.
I of course wouldn’t recommend letting those go off . Just saying.
Yeah that’s where I’m at. I’m consistently getting 2 without consumables.
I pushed him with 1 with fury pot. But they are now 10k each…. yikes. I’m not paying that out of spite. I won’t support price gouging.
I’m full boomkin for the first minute of the fight. I’m going ham for all of hotw and I’m seeing around 7-800 dps.
And that’s with cyclonic blast on boss/ moonglaive on adds.
If there’s a way to get 1 infernal without paying for it. Id like to know.
Well… I’m in moonkin for 100% of the fight during phase 1. Well, 99% aside from roaring and frenzy/skull bash. I also manage about 750 average dps and I have no dps on use trinkets like the mechagon or whatever that glaive one is. I also don’t use a pot in phase 1. So if you’re seeing similar numbers with those, I’d like to say you’re likely leaving a lot of dps on the table. I’ve been at 800 before too occasionally.
Not saying that in any mean way, genuinely I just think there must be something else you can optimize damage wise. I maintain those numbers clear through phase 1, not just during the first 45s.
Yeah, iv been having timer issues as of lately. Most notably, Barkskin not being up for next adds ( even though I used it early for last). They seem to come early or at least they converge on me quicker, then it’s a domino effect for the rest of the fight. I’ll resort to bear form and clean up any mess safely before resuming.
Those are on my sloppy pulls. And even then I still make it into p2 with only two up.
On cleaner pulls, I’ll get it right at the 2 min mark when my trink is off cd and I finish him off with it.
Still working on p2 kinks. But that’s not really what I’m asking for help with. Not really asking for help at all. You know I’m no moonkin. This stuff ain’t my forte.
Just curious how this guy managed p1 with 1 infernal in pvp gear.
(Without paying for it)
Yeah skin doesn’t always line up with the horrors but to be honest I didn’t use skin frequently in P1. They die so fast it’s not even needed. I just sunfire them when grouped, then continue to dps boss until they cast. Then roar which puts me in bear. Then frenzy and while frenzy is happening I thrash and swipe them, then back out to moonkin.
Also, if you’re using that mech trinket, it does SO much damage. I’d very much recommend using it for P2. Even if using it in P1 was the difference between 1 and 2 infernals, I’ll take an extra infernal for the boss effectively having like 10% less health any day. Just my opinion.
Yeah i might eventually do this… my plan was to consistently get to p2 to practice.
Well what would it take for P1 to be free? Not being vain here but I feel like it’s hard to screw up phase 1 unless you don’t pay attention to a knock. Whether you down it right as 2nd infernal comes or right before rd, it’s effectively the same thing yeah? The leniency is pretty huge. Just kinda a chill and dps sort of thing yeah?
P1 is free, but id prefer 1 infernal vs 2 and a pot gives this. 10-11k damage to the boss from a single consumable is nice. not required, but a hell of a lot easier.
I dont know. im just bein me i guess.
He said he did it. Im curious as to how.
You mean a pre pot before zoning in or a normal full minute pot? Or both? I’ve never used one for P1 so I don’t know. And I understand you’re eager to win this debate (or uncover the mystery) but I’d just let it go. I’m not sure how it’s doable with the gear I used. But even just 2 is more than okay. I’d put your efforts into P2.
You know how even if you have 2 infernals, you can temporary make them “sleep” or what have you? Perhaps he just had 1 active and the other was in its “dead” phase. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows the difference but that’s all I can think of.
Oh,I already know the answer.
I just wanted to hear him say it.
Well if that’s the only place your attention is regarding this then I suppose this discussion is moot. Good luck mr Tical.
Nonsense, I also enjoy your company
No you don’t lol.
So I’m not sure what was asked since I ignored the other guy, but it’s absolutely possible to have one infernal going into p2 (not just one sleeping) by just min/maxing DPS. I’m sure the timer is close to the second one spawning, but internals spawn ~every 45s-1min depending on spell queuing IIRC. I’ve definitely pushed p1 with just 1 infernal and it’s all about using every starsurge off cd, maintaining your dots, putting every GG proc into the inquisitor and not the eyes/horrors, and just doing a standard boomy rotation (minus SS>ALL prio).
Like you said, the adds die, but you can pre-position to moonfire them as they spawn and when they’re running in, Sunfire when they’re stacked, and they’ll die sometimes without needing to roar even.
There are also things you can do to get more damage esp if you get a good infernal spawn, like rooting it and being over 30 yds away so you don’t ever need to deal with the smash, using typhoon and orbs to stop drain (realistically the first two orbs will respawn before you get to kruul/ his annihilate casts anyways), not overdotting adds, and whenever you go bear form make sure to walk into variss so that your thash/swipe hit him too. You spend such little time in bear form, though, that you can keep yourself topped with frenzy and/or orbs that you never actually need to heal yourself p1.
Oh, and I mentioned it earlier, but absolutely do NOT waste GG procs into eyes or adds. It’s like 4 moonfires worth of damage, which is basically a full extra cast.