Took 17 pulls total, and 2 shot it when I refined the strat.
Greater flask of currents
Potion of unbridled fury
then regular shadowlands consumables
1-3-1-3-2-2-1 for talents. I just used pvp gear for haste/verse and had on a battlemaster i forgot to use.
HOTW on pull, but do NOT use potion/lust. Blast the boss. Use typhoon to stop first drain life to save globals When the first psyfiends stack on velen, sunfire and then bearform to thrahs them down. Should have skin + brambles to kill every set of psyfiends. Can use first, and 2nd orb if absolutely necessary, but i only used first.
Try to push variss before 2nd infernal spawns and krull should be free.
Just lust, berserk, and unbridled fury and walk backwards in a circle the entire time and just pve him. Can ironfur first two annihilates and use wall for 3 and 4 if it comes. Make sure to be next to an orb to top yourself.
Gluck and gz on your forms!
I did it already in Legion but the new one looks nice. How much harder is it than it was originally?
Congrats but I beat you by about 4 years
Ya I also got all 36 mage tower appearances then, but this new one is cooler!
And it’s about the same as it was on release tbh. Not too bad.
See above
Grats and very impressive. I felt like the Ret and SV ones were impossible, but maybe I just gave up too soon now that I see you accomplished this one. I got this in Legion as well and I think it was one of the harder ones. I just went in this time with full PvP gear and no consumables though so I’ll try again with some. Thanks for the motivation.
Gratz on the Fel-bear! This is what I’m hoping to get since I didn’t play my druid for the OG Werebear form 
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I think consumables are a must this time around. The bfa on use pot alone did like 16% of the boss’s health.
Goodluck! I think its super doable with any lvl pvp gear (since it scales down) and bfa consumables. Apparently it’s very free if you follow the magetower timewalking gearing guide on wowhead.
Did you use the regular SL PvP gear, or PvP gear from a different xpac?
SL pvp gear. Just my haste set from boomy and bought a 220 ilvl haste/verse polearm
how often are you swapping back to moonkin to dps the boss?
i was doing a similar strat (hotw pull) but i’m not killing the adds or boss nearly fast enough to do meaningful boss dps. Youre getting to p2 before the 2nd infernal? Cause im not anywhere near that
a lot! I alway maintain sunfire/moonfire and starsurge off cd. Only time im not turreting in moonkin is when the horrors are up. I barkskin every one of them also to kill them faster with brambles
I dabbled a handful of times today and damn - I feel like washed up trash. I will do some of the things you recommend. I wonder if we can still use Bear tartare?
Ugh, down to 13% against Kruul lol I’ve tried about 50 times so far today
I will get it dang it!!
id STRONGLY recommend stat food. Really need damage this time around.
Close! Keep it up!
If you’re getting that close, you can 100% do it. Just need some rng and optimization.
Just got mine as well 3rd time beating the boss 1 in legion 1 on ptr and now today out of all of them i have to say this was the worst time IMO
Least favorite fight out of em all as well
gz! Was def harder this time than I remember, but I enjoyed it!
Can’t wait to try it when I get off work in the morning. Upset I won’t get a shot at a day one clear but oh well. I prolly wouldn’t have gotten it anyway xD
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no sense racing to get it. There’s plenty of time, and at the end of the day no one will remember anyways