Guardian Druid Bottom tier for both M+ and Raids

Look at WoD then, chump.

I don’t need to be a hardcore raider to know more than any of you puppets on the forums. Every class forum is a circle jerk about how much their class sucks lmfao.

Guardian was the best in Legion, it sucks now, quit trying to change the past. Ask Blizzard to bring back Adaptive Fur and Rage of the Sleeper.

People have been asking that since BfA alpha. Almost a year, now.

Blizzard doesn’t care.


Oh, I did…And after I stopped laughing I moved on with my day. Mythic kills in WoD after legion was released (or the months leading up to it) don’t count. Good effort though.


BOIS CHILL! We’re all droods here, can’t we get along : (

But at least he’s good at copying and pasting.

I think people are missing the point, you cant look at outliers like Lipkiss and say things like “oh one bear is really good so bears are fine”, we arent. He has a fine tuned comp that helps him succeed, most people who do mythic+ do it to get gear for raid and arent attempting to push best in the world or get into the invitationals.

Bear representation overall in mythics and raid are below the other tanks and the stigma behind bears from the start of the xpac has kept us there even after the small buffs we received, something drastic needs to be done to let people know we are viable again and then that can be scaled back later after people get the point if need be.

One of these 3 things will help us, and at this point there is such a bad stigma around bears that its hurting us getting into higher pug mythic+ or heroic/mythic raids.

  1. rage of the sleeper back (works it like bonestorm) id like to see this more than anything.
  2. frenzied regen off the gcd and rework it back to how it was in legion for the healing formula
  3. a slow of some sort as baseline like how thrash used to have (the slow on vortex isnt enough)

wouldnt work sadly.
BDK have their self healing which eclipse bears w/o impacting their rotations. (simialr to monks and even VDH)

this would actually be the biggest benefit a bear could have. Legion FR was designed for heavy hits and not for legion tickle dmg where it was OP)

add a bit of rage generation (maybe a berzerk again so mangle hits more than 1?) and you’d be able to use IF and heal decently and would solve many of the issues.

Rage of the Sleeper should be a talent in the same row as LATC/FON.

Fix FR and give us our slow, too. And berserk back.

It most definitely should be baseline, not a talent.

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I think Overrun should be baseline.

I see no issue with your revisions.

The baseline ability should be Incarnation, for snap threat or dangerous pulls. Rage of the Sleeper should replace it as a talent.

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well that’s ONE way to completely kill off Galactic Guardian!

Unless they actually make changes to Mangle, I don’t really see Incarnation being all that worthwhile in any scenario compared to Galactic Guardian.

Frankly Blizzard needs to re-evaluate the Guardian talent tiers. There are some rows that have talents which no longer thematically fit. Then there are talent rows that in a majority, if not all situations, you literally take 1 talent and the other two don’t come close to be as useful or meaningful.

What I feel exacerbates the talent system issue is there are certain tiers where multiple talents are logical picks for given content, but they compete with one another and therefore drives a mutual exclusive decision.

I understand that this decision process is part of the reason the talent system exists. The goal is to incite choice which is to be influenced based on a variety of factors such as content, difficulty level, player skill, etc.

What I continue to find problematic from a tank design perspective is where a class has access to a plethora of baseline abilities which complements their toolkit and enables them to do their job and yet another tank class must spec into a talent to gain the same functionality.

I’m not saying that homogenization is the answer, but each tank class should bring something special and unique and equally have weaknesses that either the talent system shores up or imposes the same mutually exclusive choice rather than having it all. I don’t think we’re there yet and with how class balance and design have transgressed over BFA – things like this very point are more prudent and evident than likely we’ve seen in the past.

The Level 30 row is a great example of the mutual exclusiveness that really no longer makes much sense, competition between Vortex vs Charge.

At the end of the day, I’d rather see improvements rather than situations where the spec ends up in a further detrimental net loss than a gain. We can’t afford that given where we currently are relative to all the other tanks.


the fact that the world first Argus kill featured a bear tank takes the wind out of that sail. Who cares if more people played DK, bears were still brought by cutting edge guilds.

Sco kept his DK geared, and stayed with his bear. Slootbag, shelved his DK for argus and played his prot paladin for it.

Are you claiming that people began shelving bear tanks for dk tanks?

Does it matter now? Seriously?

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I can’t find the post now, but to the person that said Lipkiss is running a unique group setup to make up for guardian’s short comings………just looking at the front page of raider io tells us that dh, rogue, mage, resto druid is not a unique group set up.

And how far behind in keys is he from the top guys?

ahead of any blood dk, vdh, or paladin

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Wasn’t the question, but you do you.