Guardian Druid and Ret Pally looking for a “dad” guild

As the title states we are looking for a casual group to hang out with.

I’m an ex-mythic raider, but I have two kids now with one hitting sports age. Currently maining Guardian Druid, but I also have an arcane mage.

My friend is also a Dad with a busy schedule and plays a ret pally.

We dont currently know game time or availability for raid schedules, but my friend is looking for a guild that doesnt have mandatory raid participation, but accept drop-in-out style play.

I can commit to a raid time but it would more than likely need to be after 8pm. We are just feeling out what is available out there.

My bnet tag is Mezigoto#11883
My discord is Mezigoto.

Senior Discount, a relaxed, no-pressure PvE guild for players who want to enjoy World of Warcraft without the time constraints of scheduled endgame content. Whether you’re learning the game, leveling up, or dipping into dungeons and raids at your own pace, we’re all about having fun while keeping things casual.

No strict requirements, just a supportive community of like-minded players who love to help each other improve and enjoy the game. Join us and take it easy—you’ve earned it!

if your interested DM me on Discord, penumbra6879. or look us up in the guild finder.

I sent you a friend request on BNet so we could talk more. I think our guild might be a good fit for you guys. Most of us have 9-5s and kids and try to keep it friendly and fun while hitting a little bit of progression.

I appreciate it. After sitting in your discord I’m not interested. Y’all already have tanks and that is more of my lane. Good luck in recruitment!

Hello Spoonigoto

Im a recently returned player and a father. I joined a guild for this xpac that I am quite happy with. There is a wide variety of experience levels that lead to a more casual atmosphere. But, the officer team is knowledgeable and skilled while being dedicated to forming a positive environment. Avg age is probably in the 30s with a ton of working adults that want to game.

We currently are looking for a second tank for our raid group. Schedule is later at 10-12 est Thursday and Saturday. Getting your friend into a dps slot every so often should work out fine too.

If that sounds like it might be a good fit for you, I invite you to check them out. Cheers,

yoinkk speak da trufff! super fun and chill environment with a real active disc as well! look forward to seeing you around

also the more druid claws in the guild the happier people are that’s what i’ve been told i think by a dr. so would love to have yall!

This sounds like a good fit, but sadly weekend raiding doesn’t really work for me. I’m starting to think I just don’t have the time to dedicate to raiding anymore. To the PUG life it is.

i would reach out to the contacts on teh main guild post it might be worth trying to work something out for yall on weekday raids/ other content if thats something you want todo we are a super chill and an open crew
either way best of luck in your search