Guardian Druid: After the Wildfire

Every 200 Rage you spend causes a burst of restorative energy, healing allies within 12 yds for (600% of Attack power).

At 10.0 this talent did 100% of Attack Power and was buffed to 600% in 10.0.2. I am suggesting this talent be nerfed down to 150% by Tuesday.

Guardian Druid needs more changes such as nerfing thrash rage generation but it’s been 3 weeks now. You have enough data.


Why nerfs though? Seems fine

Your “crabs in a bucket” mentality is not the way for the game imo, instead they should aim to make every spec feel like it plays good (rather than “dragging down” other specs)

Lift “up”, not drag “down” should be their design philosophy


Oh yeah, cause guardian druid is the problem…


this ironic coming from a DH

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Sounds like DH are due for some nerfing.


That was in November.

Listen… after the wildfire is a trivial part of the healing when you compare it to thrash shield or even arcane healing. Nerfing that healing has very, very, very, little affect on druid tankiness. That healing is meant to help the group not the druid.

Also one last edit, they are not going to nerf any class that is in the “meta” until TGP is over it would completely screw up the whole thing.

It is only good for group content soloing you don’t need this talent. So why nerf it for groups?

This is fine with me if they buff healers.