Seems the upcoming expansion, which may take us into the RootLands, would be the ideal place in the TWW expansion to introduce new Druid Forms.
Each expansion players have a variety of new ways to express and imagine their character. New weapon models, new armor appearances, even new mount appearances. Except Druids.
The cat is always the cat, the bear always the bear. Mostly unchanged since Vanilla. The genie came out of the bottle with Legion forms (that are still the forms most of us use). And then nothing until DragonFlight. Where we saw what I would call a “good start” on equity of expression for druids.
Eventually I expect the same type of variety in my Druid form that we have for Dragon mounts and Warlock pets. But for RootLands, I think a “bear” minimum might be a few new forms for each Druid spec. Like DragonFlight found in the Emerald Dream.
I play Guardian, and post Legion it’s been pretty scarce for us. So I was hoping to plant some seeds for consideration:
- Sabre Stalker Form — was always amazed that form came and went without ever letting Druids learn and master a form of it. All you really needs is a recolor of an existing model.
- Furbolg Form — Dude, I mastered their language hoping to learn the form. Really disappointed that wasn’t the end result of the quest. But maybe that language mastery could lead us on a new adventure in RootLands—and take us to a new form?
- Earthen Form — There are rocky approximations of the WereBear form in DragonFlight. Could exploring the rocky caves in the War Within lead to a rocking new form? All it would take is a recolor…
But if you really want to show Guardian Druid some love, consider all the expansions he saw nothing and in something more than a recolor. Maybe a standing bear (think Grizzly on hind legs) or legit owl-bear (not the cuddly version from DF but something fierce). My suggestion would be Mako Form—I’m talking a WerShark.
Standing upright with a shark head fused into a humanoid body, muscles on muscles, and clawed hands that can rend a boat hull. Huge gaping shark maw and tell tale fin on the back. Maybe some special features for the new form like ferocious bite in tank form or extra swim speed.
These are just suggestions. But please. Some love for an old bear whose been (mostly) rocking the same look since vanilla. After twenty years, make bears special again.
(repost because original seemed to come out under a different character)
I agree with the notion that new Druid forms - at bare minimum for Guardian and Feral - should be a common practice every expansion. I’d go even further and say every season to, indeed, make up for all the new items that you can’t see while shapeshifted.
And even if Druids had that, they’d still be behind every other class when it comes to visual novelty, because with weapons and armor you can mix and match, but shapeshift forms are static. Not to mention that is logistically impossible to have as many forms as the other classes have weapons.
I’d be content with at least one new form every season.
In a tangent, my two most wanted additions are a Serpent for the land travel form and the WoD Claws of Shivrallah returned as a Feral option.
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I want more bug-themed forms please.
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More forms are always good.
I would love to see blizzard try to outdo werebear and sparkle cat. It’s a tall order but if they would manage to make more forms on that level, I am sure druids everywhere would be happy.
Rootlands would also be a good time to bring back saberon/werecat form for ferals.
I like the idea of more bug-themed forms. Thinking a huge “Beetle Bear” would be fun to play. Made me think of a Tortollan themed form.
Would also be kool if we could linek forms to specs. The way armor appearances automatically change when you switch from Protection Warrior to Arms, would be nice if the travel form and cat form were different when I’m in Feral spec than when I’m in Guardian.
Yes, new forms would be great.
In particular can we get an upright from for Feral druids now. I’ve been running the upright bear models since legion as it is much better. This is the first Xpack I’ve had to main Feral and it is annoying as hell. The long body with unclear hit box has gotten me killed so many times. I usually try to pop a toy to change appearance but would prefer just to have a 2 legged cat form all the time.
There are a number of upright cat forms that could be used, hell I’d even take a Worgen model for cat form (with or without gear).
Rename “Cat Form” to “Feral Form” as to more reasonably open the door for feral forms for Worgen and Zand troll and beyond. And yes, Saberon form. I’m sure OP said that.
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I hope they add druid’s penultimate form. It’s where you have your base bear form skin, but instead of a bear head it’s the feral tiger’s head in it’s place.
Then like a centuar the top half of a moonkin emerges from the top of the bear body’s shoulders.
One of the moonkin wings, is a treant instead.
Don’t forget your fellow cat DURIDS!
Maybe the SabreStalker skeleton would be better for Feral Druids than guardian.
Was surprised when (in DragonFlight) I found out the raptor form was a travel form. Really expected that one to be for Feral.