So this post will be kind of on and off the topic of WOW. I will Separate into two Paragraphs.
Growth Mindset Part:
Does anyone who read this have a growth mindset? If so, how did you learn to have that kind of mindset? I have heard of Carol Dweck and i have done a lot of research on what a growth mindset is and what good it can do for me. The problem is, I can’t get myself to practice having a growth mindset. I know the things I should be doing but am not. I write down things that i need to improve on but writing it down and actually sticking to what i wrote is a lot harder then I thought. I guess a part of it is that I don’t really like to practice getting better. What should i do to make myself practice more? How do i make learning something i can enjoy?
WOW Part:
I have been play this game for a long time and back in the day after I hit max level i would grind and grind to get good gear for each character. The last couple years i have lost the drive to get geared out once I hit 60. Usually what happens is i will buy them some gear once they hit 60 and thats it. I start working on a new alt. Idk what it is about grinding for good gear that i despise nowadays but i have not had a character well geared in a long time. How are yall able to keep grinding for good gear after hit max level on a new character? What i am kind of doing right now to help get decent gear at 60 is maxing honor buy leveling somewhat through bgs. I do really love pvp and never get tired of it. Another problem with me is that i have too many alts. I usually get them to around level 30ish and then start pvping. I feel like i am getting too distracted with other things to focus on what needs to be done atm.
If you took time out of your day to read all of this i want to just say thank you. I would really like to hear your opinion on either or both topics I am talking about.
I hope you have a nice night/day depending on where you live.