Grove Guardian Macros?

This is probably old news to most of you, but I just realized that Grove Guardians seem to have their own GCD (and a short one too). Is anybody aware of useful macros for these things? I’m not really looking for anything specific, but I assume their unusual GCD situation allows for some interesting things to happen.

I guess one example I might suggest is GG->Bear so you can go to bear instantly and have at least some limited healing on yourself in an emergency.

edit: lol you can cast them in bear… nevermind then.

Can you not cast GG in bear? I cast GG all the time when catweaving in catform.

Typically I don’t macro them with other abilities but I do tend to hit the button around the same time when I need to. I arguably should cast that FIRST for the buff if running kotg, but hey… lets be real. I am too smooth brain for that.