Group Vote To Kick: Is This A Fair System?

Most players have been in dungeon groups and have either voted to kick another player or been kicked from a group or have just been witness to someone else being kicked from a group.

Bliz incorporated this Vote to Kick mechanic so that a group could rid themselves of a player that was bringing grief to the group by being disruptive and or toxic.

In some Kicks that people have reported in the forums. People who have been at times kicked out of a group complain they were kicked without warning or reason. And that they then must deal with half hour wait time penalty before they are able to join another group.

It has also been reported that a person in a group that has been arguing with another player will start a vote to kick whoever they are arguing against, with malicious intent.

So what do you think? Is the Group Vote to Kick system a good and fair system? Or is a change for improvement needed?

You’re on quite the roll.

Mhm. If most people in the group don’t want to play with somebody then they shouldn’t have to, for any reason. Or no reason. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Usually they’ll just be afk/offline.

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Democracy good so yeah i think its fair.

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It shouldn’t have a half hour debuff associated with it since there are cases where vote kick function is being misused or to grief other players.


it used to not have that.

players would get zoned into a dungeon they didn’t like and say “just kick me”, refusing to move or do anything, so they wouldn’t get the 30 minute deserter debuff.

so blizz gave the deserter debuff for getting kicked too.


I think it is a fair system overall even if it is not perfect and can sometimes be abused.

But, I don’t think most of the people who got kicked will say, “The system that kicked me was great and fair!”

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posting in a tigersan thread

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Chesterton’s Fence.

Don’t remove things until you understand why they are there.

But I haven’t seen a vote kick in long while. These days I think people only use it kick people with some sort of cat in their name.

I’m very rarely kicked but when I am it’s usually for good reason. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Sometimes you get lobbed for a silly (or no) reason but in general I feel like the “i got kicked for nothing” complaints are omitting details.

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What’re the odds this one gets more replies than the healer one?

I think it’s probably as fair as we’ll be able to get.

Also, keep in mind, that a significant percentage of people who come to the forums to complain about being kicked or being banned/suspended, etc, say “I didn’t do anything wrong at all!” but in actuality, they were being jerks, breaking rules, etc, and absolutely deserved that kick/suspension/etc.


When I ran dungeons and raids I always voted NO.

I personally rarely kick people. But, I’ve seen some people trolling to kick someone else.

Either way, I assume most (if not all) people who got kicked will feel it was not justified.

This right here, it’s as fair as it’ll get but there really shouldn’t be a debuff because people do abuse it. I’ve seen it several times where a vote will start with no words of any kind and people just play follow the leader and someone gets kicked.

Nobody seems to care what the reason is they just follow the first vote and that’s the end of it. Also this happens where majority is part of the same guild and vote kick someone who isn’t part of that guild.

Pugs are crazy, you’re better off being in a guild, group of friends or just not bothering with it at all.

Yeah, I just had a dungeon where somebody was offline for like 10 minutes before anybody wanted to kick them, just in case their power came back or whatever. :dracthyr_love_animated: People are usually pretty chill these days.

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It is majority rule. It was never designed to be good or fair. Just to fulfill the majority’s needs.

And also from holding groups hostage. That’s why we have the debuff timer.

The system doesn’t discriminate. They don’t want you, then you’re out. That’s all there is to it.

There’s nothing that can be improved.

I’ll just leave this here for more information:

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systems aren’t fair, the people operating them can be.