Group of Transfers looking to join Raid Guild

Hello all,

I was the Guild Leader of a 350+ Alliance guild on Sulfuras but the faction imbalance and inability to play at peak hours was frustrating; causing myself and a few friends to transfer to Earthfury. There are roughly 5-10 60s confirmed transferring over with possibly a bunch more socials/casuals/pvpers on the way!

We are looking to all join a raiding guild and be apart of the same raid team if possible. Current list of players looks something like this:

Priest Healer (me)
Tank Druid
Tank Warrior
Healer Druid

Just looking for some information on the guilds on this server(maybe also merging guilds or making a group within another established guild?). We all have Classic raiding experience and I myself have top 200 Raiding and Healing Officer experience! Thanks for all the feedback and have a good holiday!


With the transfers this week, its becoming highly imbalanced here but at least you will be on the larger side with no qeue.

Please don’t. Our server is already tipping Alliance side, ruining the 50/50 balance we used to have. With 350 members, fix your own server before flooding ours.
also - we need to build a wall

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So how does one “fix their own server” if I’m getting corpse camped for 2 hours? Asking for a friend

I hate to say it because I’m a transfer myself a few weeks ago, but I would not bring so many over until you see that the Horde have reached a 53% or so. This server, as it is now, it quite possibly the best server on WoW classic, balance-wise and population-wise. Leveling players can still get stuff done, while still seeing small, fair skirmishes in various zones. BRM runs are still risky, but not the gank-fest on other servers. This is for both sides. I understand your frustration, but this server is becoming a hotbed of transfers and I hope it slows down before it becomes just another imbalanced mess.

I don’t know, but more Alliance here is just going to break another server. :confused:

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We have a similar size group (~8 raiders) who were serious in Vanilla. We’ve been pugging but haven’t found the right fit. We’re looking to recruit/merge and make a raid team - ping Kethas or Margritte,

Please contact Kaymus ingame. We need around 8 to 10 to complete our raids. We raid thur and sat 8 to 11pm est. Looking for a small group to complete our raid.