Group of three LFG (2 healers and a flex tank heal dps)

We are a group of friends that have been playing with each other for sometime now, we are really invested in M+ and the other two definitely want to raid, I will as need be but don’t care for it as much these days, (so at the very least 2 trial spots one plays resto shaman and the other can fill as essentially any healer, i play druid) We are looking for AOTC through Mythic raiding. more favoring a guild that does mythic prog either as a focus or a secondary thing after clearing heroic. We are all 475+ we have logs we can offer. we are VERY active on the game and like getting involved and have a positive attitude to prog and helping others.
Feel free to reach out to me for us at SageMoose#11452 to set up a time to talk going into S4 and the new Xpac