Group of Raiders looking for a new home

Hi. We are currently a group of 7 solid players looking for a guild that is pushing mythic needing new blood. We are all Mythic geared with a flexible group of toons we can play. We are looking for raid times to be 2 times a week 8-11:30 EST. Our current progress is 8/9 H 1/9 Mythic.

Mage/with numerous 120’s ready to go
Shaman/Druid/Paladin all healing ready
BM hunter

If you are interested in meeting with us you can contact me here or in game at shiggs#18758. Hope to hear from you soon.

Heyo, Spite could be a great fit and adding this group would put us at a solid and consistent roster! I added you–let’s discuss :slight_smile:

Add me

Will add you to discuss, your group could be a very great fit here and our raid schedule is exactly what your looking for.

I look forward to talking to you guys!

Sent you an add, Infectious (Weds/Thurs 830-1130PM EST) 4/9M

Hey Papashiggs,

Is your group still looking? We have room for all of your group if you are interested. I have added you on bnet.