Group of players rolling here, any guilds who would have a raid spot when we hit 60?


I know what I’m asking here is a little odd and specific, but hopefully I can find something.

Me, my wife, my brother-in-law are looking to roll characters here (Alliance). We got sick of the PvP server camping/ganking.

My wife will be a warlock
My brother in law will be a holy Paladin most likely
I would like to play a tank (feral Druid or warrior) but could be persuaded to play a different class

We were looking for something Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. 9:30(BiL gets home at 9 so could do 9 if ur okay with last minute arrival) midnight (no later). Sat-Sun are more open for us.

Any guilds around that fit this schedule at all and understands we have to level? I’m asking so I could potentially fill a role to help the guild.

Please message dukeofearl#1648 on bnet

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Your best option for a guild that could guarantee raid spots at 60 would be one that hasn’t started raiding yet - May be better looking in /2 in the game.

As far as raid times, i’ve seen plenty of guilds that could fit that raid schedule.

Feel free to message me in game or on Bnet if you’d like to talk more about if my guild, could be an option for you. Sol#12761

We’re still waiting for a good portion of our people to hit 60 and we will most likely be pugging in the mean time so we definitely have a spot for all three of you and the classes you listed are perfect as is your availability. Our raid times will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est.

Our guild has both Horde (Parliament) and Alliance (Funkadelic) on this server. Serveral people have toons in both factions. The 2 guilds are run by the guys that do The Classic Casual podcast. We have a few lvl 60’s doing BiS dungeon runs, but no where near raid ready yet.
Do a /who g-"Funkadelic" in game and /w someone to get invites.

Hey Lonvia. We are building our guild right now as well as the core raid membership and would love to have you and your fam join us. Our guild is Rusty Ranch Raiders named after the discord community Rusty Ranch. We are on Pagle and our time frame for raiding, and pretty much doing anything, is what you are describing. We are also currently leveling. My btag is MereServant#1471. I’ll friend request you tonight! Here’s our guild statement:

My guild battle born is looking to fill our ranks. We still have people leveling while we recruit. I think our time would work for you guys. I have posted on here if you want to look it over.