Hey guys, myself and 2 friends are considering swapping to this server. I have all 12 classes cap (wont be able to swap all over at once mind you), but i pretty much mostly play warrior, feral druid, and DH 390+ ilvl. one of my friends plays a enh/ele sham, and a havoc dh mostly 400 ilvl. the last friend is playing a resto druid (hes not very geared atm).
we wanna see if we can find a active guild (active has to be a must dont say you are active and you arnt lol). we currently are 7/9 heroic but im sure we could push further. the guild we are currently in on alliance doesnt have the best members (we seem to run into that alot alliance side hence the switch to horde).
if you guys are interested shoot your guild info below and I’ll get in touch with ya!