Group of friends LF casual EST guild

Hello! A small group of friends and I are searching for a relatively casual guild with a mix of returning and new players.

I’m looking for a mature guild as we’re all working adults, raids some (ideally trying for heroic but would rather have fun and allow any spec vs chase parses), and focuses on the community aspect.

Our skills vary amongst the group. I played a bit of Classic in 2019 and have some experience casual raiding, one is still getting used to mouse and keyboard, someone who prefers pvp, and another who has MMO experience but is just new to WoW.

Raid times I would prefer earlier evenings as opposed to “late night” EST times.

My bnet is ivyZorz#1864 if anyone would like to chat further. Thank you!

I forgot to mention but most of our toons are Horde if that makes any difference :slight_smile:

Hello, our guild is Alliance for the most part but we also have horde players. We are Eastern time, 8-10 pm for raid Tues/Thursday. Most of us are working adults, military, nurses, etc… friendly and organized. Hardcore casual is what we go by. You can message me at Europa#11908, Combattante is my horde character. Cheers.

Hi there! I sent a request through bnet! My guild Roll for Initiative is recruiting raiders and is always looking to add new faces to our community! We are pve/social guild. We raid Tue/Thu 8:30-11:30pm est. Our current prog is 7/8H. We have dps spots available! Roll for Initiative hosts a variety of weekly events like tmog/achieve/mount farming, board games, movie night, and we play other games together too! We run m+ and are also going to be starting rbgs on the weekends!
Contact: bnet - NobleWarBear1291 discord - noblewarbear

Creek, we are looking for some fresh blood as we cut through the end of season 1 and start looking to season 2. We raid Wed/Thurs 830-1030 server (if you can’t do AOTC in 2 hours 2 nights),. You are wasting time.

ENDEX is 8/8H and starting to dabble in mythic. We run M+ and have people who run low keys and those who push for KSM and are running 12+

If interested, add me, we are casual friendly and love to teach players how to be better in a non toxic environment:

We would love to have some more casual people wanting to just play and have a good time outside of a raiding environment.

Discord: awps Bnet: awps#1378