Group of 5 looking for guild

We are looking for a guild to raid with since our current guild died. We are 8/8N and 6/8H.

Our classes are:
-Resto/ele shammy
-Ret pally
-Frost mage
-Bear druid (only tank)

Looking for a weekend (fri/sat) on horde guild on Zul’jin we wont be open to transfers. We are open to cross server / faction communities

Its a long shot but hope to hear back.

Bump for some lov3!

Bump! Still looking a chill place

Hi Melrimm - We’re putting together a solid AOTC raid team here at Spun on Stormrage and although you said you weren’t open to transfers I thought I would reach out in case that changes :slight_smile: I’ve posted some details below, but you can also add me on Discord and I can tell you more about our AOTC team, vibe, and goals for Dragonflight :slight_smile: Devonellah#0195

SPUN is a new rapidly growing guild with a friendly and engaging environment! Our mission is to create an atmosphere that allows our team members to take their talent to the next level!

About our AOTC raid team

Our team will be focused on achieving AOTC for Season One. This is a unique opportunity to join a fantastic group of people that will help you grow as a raider and be a part of a fast-growing guild on Stormrage.

Raid Times

Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST

Click here to view our recruitment post on the wow forum.

Hello, we are a casual raiding group currently 6/8H, looking for more players to fill our team and achieve AOTC with. We have a good mix of veteran and newer players who work together each tier to get AOTC. We are a friendly group and are we are willing to assist others learn the game and intricacies of raiding if needed!

Raid times are the following:
Sunday 6-9PM PST
Monday 7-9PM PST

Please respond on forum or message me on / discord if interested! Androkats#1816
Discord: Androkats#8823