Hi we are a group of folks who recently lost to many in our guild to continue raiding. We are looking for a home or someone in a similar situation as ourselves. We prefer raid times 7 or later and usually no longer then 3 hours.
2 mages
2 locks
1 Resto Druid
1 Bear tank
1 ele shaman
1 shadow priest
1 holy paly (50/50)
If anyone is looking for some folks to complete their raid team please contact Epicwood or Saleitem in game!
Our guild raids sunday nights 800-1130 pm ST SSC/TK. We do gruul mags and kara throughout week usually fridays. We have immediate spots for holy pally and resto druid, the rest can be back ups as absences occur almost weekly. If that at all interests you let me know in game or reply here. Cheers!
Hey Epic, were you and your group able to find a home on the server?
If you’re still looking, check us out! Blood Sweat and Tier! Message myself or PeteWilson in game.
TWE we raid Friday/Sat 8PM-12AM lemme know if that works for you