Group of 3 looking for Guild

Hey there, I’m running a guild on herod alliance side. MWF 8 to 11pm CST raid times. Got about 90 or so of us in the discord so far. Hit me up if you’re interested and we can talk more on discord. (Magedaddy#4559)

Hey there! I’m the GM of Versus and we plan on playing Alliance on Stalagg. We are looking to add some more members to the roster and feel like we could possibly be what you’re looking for. Here is some info in the post below. If you have any interest, hit me up on discord!

theres been a whole lot of guild post here that seem quite homely, definitely dont forget to check those out as well

                               [H] <Eternal> Thalnos

Guild Type: both raid and PvP oriented . Will have pre made battleground groups, and scheduled world PvP events.

Raid Times: We will be aiming to schedule raids starting between 6pm and 9pm EST, weekends. This will be dependent on guild members.

Event Times: Maybe on weekend afternoons, lets see what you guys think.

Classes Needed: All roles needed, we have a raid main-tank.

We are a motivated new guild, seeking players of all skill levels. Our goal is to create a fun, helpful community with strong ambitions. The core group of this guild have been gaming together for a few years now. Some of us played in 2005 and quit early WoTLK. All in all we are a very chill group, I’m sure we are the right fit .

Discord: Add GrapeApe#1703 or type this channel
_ (remove underscore)

cheers , see you on the battlefield!

we might be a good fit for you feel free to reach out to me,

Hey Mysique! I am here recruiting for the guild Bound for Failure! Which is kind of a BS name since we plan to clear all content! We are a Horde PVP/PVE guild on the big server of Faerlina! We are a 2 or 3 days a week semi-hardcore raiding guild with a little emphasis on PVP! If you are interested here is the link to our guild post! <Bound For Failure> HORDE | NA | PVP| FAERLINA| SEMI-HARDCORE AND CASUAL PVE AND PVP GUILD
We hope to hear from you soon and are excited to see you in Vanilla!!

Welcome to Animosity an Alliance Hardcore guild on Whitemane.

We are looking for passionate and competent players who have knowledge and experience with the Classic (Vanilla) environment. Our goal is to start raids 3 weeks into release.

Communication and Attendance
Extraordinary performance
Preparation for raids
Knowledge of your preferred class

We are currently recruiting for the following classes:

Warrior: OPEN
Paladin: OPEN
Priest: OPEN
Warlock: OPEN
Druid: OPEN
Rogue: OPEN
Hunter: OPEN
Mage: OPEN

We will be raiding Tuesday and Wednesday from 7PM - 10PM PST with Monday as a cleanup day as needed later on.

We will be using Loot counsel for distributing loot on a ‘most beneficial to raid’ factor. Also, based off performance and attendance.

For more information message Xiten#2880 or Vite#4007. Or join us on discord

Hello, we would love to have you guys on board. Here is a quick rundown

My friends and I have been waiting for WoW classic to re release since it was announced. We are super exited to sink a huge amount of hours into this game and clear all the content . We need players who put the team first. Working together from day 1 will help us become a fine oiled machine, working efficiently.

To make everyone feel apart of this from the beginning there will be open guild name suggestions and a vote in discord. I figured it would be better naming once we see all the personalities we have.

Guild Goals:

  • Clear all PvE content including Naxx
  • Help members gear up farming pre raid BiS
  • Establish a strong ecnomy with careful planning
  • Be accomplished PvPers, and create various team strategies
  • Hold world PvP multi guild events

Classes Needed: We currently need offtanks, healers , and dps.

Times: We would like to raid either on weekdays starting at 6pm or 7pm EST, or weekends in the after noon/evening.

Discord: add GrapeApe#1703
or join _ (remove underscore)

We are a casual guild made up of WoW veterans with families and lives outside of WoW. We could absolutely use a rogue, lock, and another tank. PvE and supplemental PvP is our focus. Check us out!

[H][Whitemane] <TBA> Casual PvE/PvP guild LFM [CST]

Check this out. [H] Guild LFM's Where every Member Currently Taking Votes on Everything:

Hey Mystique,

The 3 of you guys can def fill our ranks as part of the core group!

What time’s are you looking for? Given being East Coast our times may be suitable!

Lots of spots open with us, come check us out and see if we fit your needs

We are an alliance guild on whitemane raiding from 9pm-12am on Friday, and using the weekends to clean up. You can contact me on discord at Arishnakrov#6398 if interested.

Welcome to Frenzy an Alliance Hardcore guild on Whitemane.

We are looking for passionate and competent players who have knowledge and experience with the Classic (Vanilla) environment. Our goal is to start raids 3 weeks into release.

Communication and Attendance
Extraordinary performance
Preparation for raids
Knowledge of your preferred class

We are currently recruiting for the following classes:

Warrior: OPEN
Paladin: OPEN
Priest: OPEN
Warlock: OPEN
Druid: OPEN
Rogue: OPEN
Hunter: OPEN
Mage: OPEN

We will be raiding Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7PM - 10PM PST with Monday as a cleanup day as needed later on.

We will be using Loot counsel for distributing loot on a ‘most beneficial to raid’ factor. Also, based off performance and attendance.

We will be doing premades and lots of world PvP. Aside from dungeons, PvP will be our main focus on days we do not raid.

For more information message me Xiten#2880 on discord or Xiten#1628 on bnet. Or join us on discord :

Hi there!

I’m an officer with Pantheon. We’re a Horde guild on Herod. Herod us an East Coast PVP server, so we’ve got you covered there! We raid M/T/Th 8:30p-11:30p. Mondays will drop off in slower patches, though. Below is our recruitment page. I’d love to discuss Pantheon further with you. If you’re interested, you can reach out to me on Discord at Aydriann#0478.

Thanks for your time!

Hello all of you would be a great addition to our guild. Here is our information:

The Seven Deadly Sins - NA Alliance PVP - Herod

About Us:

The Seven Deadly Sins is a guild that was formed by a handful of players that found themselves in a guild that wasn’t meeting their expectations. As is our nature, we decided to make our own guild so we can bring our goals to fruition. We have high aspirations and plan to be the most dominant guild on the server in both PvE and PvP.

Raid Times:

__ Saturday &amp;amp; Sunday – 8:00PM EST to 12:00AM EST__


Warrior DPS: High

Warrior Tank: Very Low

Rogue: Very High

Mage: High

Priest: Medium

Warlock: Medium

Hunter: Low

Druid: Low

Paladin: High

If you would like to join:

reply here or you can contact me @

Discord = Tepheroth#7342

Discord = raikin77#7735

Or Join our discord at []

here you go. Delete old posting

Greetings fellow classic player! Audax is a Horde guild (est times) being created on stalagg that has room for any and all of your playing requirements. From pvp to raids, and from theorycrafting to mastering the AH we have something for everyone - be they a first timer or someone that’s played since the beginning!

Our guild is currently hosting around 30-40 people so far - but don’t worry! We have plenty of room in raids, pvp and other vanilla activities! Many of us have played together since vanilla in guilds all over the servers. We are a fun community that views eachother as family, and we are excited to make new friends during this journey to the past.

Raid and pvp schedules have not been finalized - we are waiting until after release to make those decisions so that all guildies can have a say and we can work out what will be best for all of us!

Think our home might be for you? Add me on bnet - heavenswrath#1143 - and I will add you to our discord so you can get to know us and get involved with the community before we launch!

Not sure if we are for you? Going to be on skalagg but prefer a different guild? Again, feel free to add me for a discord invite! We are striving to make a fantastic community on skalagg and would love nothing more to have friends and contacts in other groups!

Either way we’ll see you all in a few days!

For the Horde!!!

Hello Mystique, we’re primarily going to be raiding, but I’m sure quite a few of us are going to PvP when BGs and stuff comes out. Unfortunately we’re on a PvE realm so it may be awkward, but there’s less stupidity when leveling! Hope you’re interested and we’d love to have you guys, really could use a rogue and a warlock, but it wouldnt hurt to have another warrior hopefully one that can DPS as well as tank.

If y’all are still looking check us out: