Group Loot? Oh grand

Y’all are making a big something out of nothing it’s sad

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Actually, I believe that’s changing for content with group loot active.

Not to add fuel to the fantasy-fires this crowd is pouring gasoline over, the likelihood of you encountering this in a pug on the regular is very low.

So low there are thousands of archived threads on it. lol

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I don’t think that adds to the fires at all, having a low chance of encountering problems is comforting. But this is also WoW, and I expect occasional drama, its part of the REAL social contract you metaphorically sign simply by playing the game, lol.

Honestly, the PL restrictions often felt a lot more like I can’t trade this item that’s a downgrade for me to my friend who it’s an upgrade for.

But as to the rest of the point, once you are on farm, this mostly becomes a non-issue.

It must be a valid complaint, there’s thousands of threads about it in a game with millions of people playing.

You’d think someone who mentions fallacies in replies would see the problem here, but what do I know?

So no one from Blizzard and no actual proof.

Except Blizz saying the following, specifying only one raid:

Until Blizz says they’ve changed all old raids, I dont believe the clickbait.

Oh, I don’t either, believe me. But if you’ve been on GD for any amount of time, or are insane enough to actually comb the replies in this thread, you’ll see the usual brand of overblown panic from people that don’t even mythic raid.

Ahh the social contract. At least this time around we have grounds for banning the elitists en masse.

Let’s not forget how the forums are set up to enable sockpuppets, so it’s likely that multiple of the threads main contributors are the same people.

It’s hard not to forget, the people who whine about this sort of thing are very forgettable.

Like a hive mind of the same annoying, whiny person that makes up things to complain about. You could mail them all a million gold to not say anything and they’d still find something to winge about.

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Well, I normal and heroic raided and you still see drama even in those tiers. I was a member of a heoric raid guild shortly, and we couldn’t get rid of our terrible tanks due to politics. It caused me to leave the guild because I got tired of spending all my gold on wasted consumables as we continued to smash against the final boss of nath.

None of this has to do with the arguments going on in this thread, but I am just pointing out you dont have to be in mythic to see odd drama. That guild ended up dying when it got merged into a guild (Which also couldn’t beat heroic nath). I became a solo player again after the experience.

you can say that again.

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Ty, but i’m gold capped about 19 times over.

Lower you go, the more drama you’re likely to encounter. Mythic raiding with any organized guild that isn’t just a cesspool attempting mythic should be generally chill, and less about gearing one guy up and more giving the gear to who would be best to gear. They want good players to stay, naturally, a revolving door isn’t in your best interests when mechanics and low DPS are what usually kills the raid.

So when people say wild things like mythic raiders are being catered to, when the systems of recent expansions have done quite the opposite of that, I just tune it out, it’s someone talking about something they have no clue of.

You can see this outside of guilds as well. Very often the most toxic players you find in queue content are also the worst/least productive players in the group

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Back when Group loot was a thing, I almost never got any gear from doing content (dungeons and raids).

I was so happy for Personal Loot when it happened. At least, I have a chance to get something.

I hope Group Loot never happens again.

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Yeah, I imagine it’s frustrating having the game gutted to solve problems created by normal raid guilds and pugs, especially when it makes your general experience gearing your guild worse. An easy solution would just be to give guilds options again, and I have no idea why they won’t.

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Yet when guilds were asking for the option to have ML or something similar back for almost all of BFA/SL, the forums were more than happy to tell us to get bent.

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You’re too level headed to be dwelling in this garbage pit, lol.

Try mythic out, might surprise you. Though if pugging it is your only option right now, maybe don’t lol.