Group loot exploits?

Explain something to me. I was in a raid. I rolled need. I won the roll. But others refused to roll. I got impatient and ported out but did not leave the raid group. Eventually others rolled. I confirmed I won the roll via the /loot command. I did not receive the loot. I assume the person who rolled need lower than me got it but I don’t know.

I was under the impression that this kind of exploit had been fixed by Blizz. Is that not so?

You might want to put in a ticket and send all the screenshots you have to Blizzard. They aren’t going to find this thread and won’t be able to help you.

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kinda pointless.
they use their logs, not screenshots.

did you check your mail?


it’ll probably show in your mailbox next time you log in.

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check your mailbox, any loot you win gets mailed to you if you leave the dungeon before things get distributed. normally it happens right away, but I have seen up to an hour delay on getting it.

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it isn’t pointless to provide blizzard with screenshots of what the logs say. We call that additional evidence that demonstrates OP won.

it’s not “evidence” at all, and will just be thrown in the bin.

the logs are the only evidence needed.

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It is evidence and it is helpful to provide Blizzard with screenshots when you have issues.

they won’t even bother to look at screenshots over a loot issue.
screenshots can be doctored.
the only thing they will reference, is their own logs… which will show exactly what happened.

… it’s too hot to argue over something so silly. :smile:

A screenshot provides them with a place to start. Without it, they will just respond with a too bad so sad. this is why they provide you with the ability to attach one to your ticket.

And I agree, arguing about this is silly.

how can you win the roll if not everyone has rolled yet :thinking:

but yeah, did LFR on my shaman earlier, lots of people refusing to roll and just waiting for others to leave. Rolls need to still count even if you zone out/leave the group, and the item just mailed to you.


Poor wording. I won the roll after. Screenshots are useless. Blizz official policy is that no user submitted evidence will be taken into account. They rely solely on their internal tools to gather acceptable evidence. Or so I’ve been told by the blues in the CS forum in the past.

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Huh. You were right. It took the mail several hours to appear (highly unusual) and there was no mail icon on the login screen but I took a punt based on your suggestion and bam! There it was.


Blizzard doesn’t accept screenshots as proof. They are too easily altered


No, no, no. They have a digital forensics lab of FBI quality that handles them. :joy:

the information provided is where they start.

x instance, x time, x character.

this is mainly used for when people need to attach documentation like ID.

again, they WILL NOT use screenshots as any form of “evidence”.

source: been hanging around CS for long enough to know. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

glad you got your loot :smiling_face:
(and glad the others didn’t get what they were hoping for, by trying to cheat you out of it!)

They even say in their tickets to attach screenshots. I’ve even been thanked for providing screenshots. I have no clue why you continue want to argue about this.

If the guy doesn’t want to provide screenshots as evidence then he can just tell blizzard that he didn’t get some loot he should have gotten and see how far that will get him.

I’m so glad rolls count even if you leave. People holding loot hostage is such an annoying thing, and people who play that game should go back to FFXIV.

Glad you got your wins, op! :blue_heart:

Patience is a virtue

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Check mail

Never mind. U got it in the mail. Should update the OP