Could we get a revamp of the current in-game LFG system for Keystones/Mythic Plus. Split it into two sections.
The first option being how it currently is; Allowing players to list and select who they want for their group. After forming the group, all members must go to the entrance to enter the dungeon.
The second being; Allowing players to “post” a listing that allows them to select a minimum item level of their choice, as well as how many range/melee they want for DPS. Possibly even an option to include a class with lust. After they chose to list their “post.” They will wait in a queue similar to the current LFG system for Normal and Heroic dungeons.
With the second option, there should be a LFG for people looking for groups that are already listed. Allow those users to select either from a specific dungeon, multiple dungeons at one time, or a random dungeon. As well as the option for key levels.
Once the group is filled, teleport the group to the dungeon like normal LFG would. Start with a 30 second timer or something to allow buffs to be applied, then the key start itself after the 30 seconds. This would be a plus side to using that feature rather than using the generic group finder system. Giving it more of a reason to utilize the second choice to doing keystones.
In my opinion, the second option would allow more of the “casual” gamers like myself. Avoid an ongoing issue… having to spend an obnoxious amount of time signing up for group after group and not getting invited because of not being a “META” class, not having high enough IO, etc.
Arguably, there will still be a wait time to get into a keystone but this will free up the time spent sitting there trying to get into the group. In return during that time, we could be working on professions, side quests, etc.
Just my thought on an issue I personally have been dealing with and have heard many people complain about it in game as well.
How would a queued M+ help “casual” gamers? Do you seriously think players who can’t do Heroic Dungeons without a queued buff that doesn’t exist when going in manually or LFR without a stacking buff per wipe can do M+?
Making M+ queueable will not accomplish anything except make it even more frustrating because the failure rate will sky rocket leading to people demanding and begging for nerfs. Hence how we got the LFD buffs for normal and heroic dungeons and LFD buffs.
I have listed keys and don’t mind doing so. I’m thinking more towards the players that need to grind a specific dungeon or dungeons but there key isn’t that dungeon. I have spent a whole week trying to get my key to be a specific dungeon and didn’t get it. Tried joining groups for it and no one would invite. It’s an issue where majority of the player base wants specific classes for groups because it makes the group easier, but its also not always necessary. Having to reroll to a META class just to push content shouldn’t be something that players have to do.
It would enable them to find groups as long as they are willing to wait for a queue to pop. Which is notably very different to having to actually apply to groups, since the latter requires attention to the screen for the whole duration, while waiting in a queue does not.
Queues mean that you can accomplish other things while waiting to find a group, and that is extremely important.
There’s not really any basis for this claim and you know that well. Any M+ queue would have a required rating to queue for a particular level. There’s no reason to believe choosing people randomly instead of selecting your preferred spec (assuming they are similar rating) would lead to “skyrocketing” failure rate.