Group finder is simply broken

EDIT: This fix is working for most people i know; enable mature language filter under settings > social. then relog the game.

I have no addons installed.
Group Dungeon finder isn’t working, it’s showing nameless grouped, with 5 swords displaying over green text that says something along the lines of “pending …” Tried using the search criteria and it’s just fubar no matter what I choose.

the Dragonflight Raid tab is in similar disarray.


Yep, same for me and for lots of other people.


Same :frowning: I hope this gets fixed soon…

Glad i’m not the only one, was searching for solutions for the past hour. rip

I just updated some addons that just got released & restarted blizzard client, was a small update but the dungeon finder issue still persists:(

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Thanks for this. It actually worked for about a minute then back to the same problem.

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turn on mature language filter and reload. Not sure what this has to do with dungeon finder but it did work for me.

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I am also having issues with ground finder being bugged. The mature filter things seemed to fix it though. Hopefully they fix this so I don’t have to keep this enabled!

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I disabled all the add ons for grouper finder an works fine now

Same here, fix this bug fast plzz

Just closed my game & had another update, this one fixed the issue without filter & addons enabled. I’m able to use the premade part of the finder now.

Same for me. It wasn’t working for me before the update, and now it is.

Go to Option> Social > turn on Mature Content. Then reload . it should work

Not always.

A constant stream of /reload ui helped - a lot, to refresh listings to make them legible and not flooded with bad graphics and/or listings as Unknown. Otherwise, I had to restart client to refresh UI listings…

broken still for me tried all the suggested remedy’s

yep broken broken broken im sure blizz will fix soon well guess i wasnt one of the lucky ones haha.
love and respect ~MAD~

UPDATE: It’s not working for me without having to select mature filter.

I have some characters I got it to work for and some I could not.

I have the same issue. It’s my one day off a week of work so I’m very sad. I actually had a rare 2 days off this week and neither of the days I’ve been able to play WoW. I cant find arena groups and I can’t run M+.


I did everything by deleting addons, delete coche and wtf files, turned on mature language filter and reloaded and it still not working. do anyone have any advice?