Group finder broken

Calm down, kid. No one’s offended if you swear and plenty of people who ascribe to “wokeness” swear more than you dream of. Grow up.


you cant type anything anymore , nice how this company censor what we can type or not ? im really far from being a kid.

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need to reload or relog afterwards.

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What do you mean “you can’t type anything anymore”? That’s nonsense.

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I had to disable some addons and reload again and it worked… huh weird ! Thank you

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In this forum you cant type certain words , they are restricted.

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Having this same issue. I turned off every single one of my addons. I STILL get the LUA Errors!!!

LOL turning on your Mature Language Filter fixes this for some reason.

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Did turning on the mature language filter and doing a /reload not work? worked for a lot of us. Quite the ridiculously silly workaround but it’s working for me atm

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Dude wtf I can’t do Raids or Mythic+ this is terrible and actually can’t even Que for Arena or BG groups either just unplayable at max level right now -.- and I have multiple 70 toons

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its amazing how blizzard wants to get rid of addons and in the process has made life harder playing the game each week

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The mature language filter trick didn’t work for me. It’s still bugged and I’m unable to do any max level content. This is quite frustrating, I hope they fix this soon or at least give why it’s happening.

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Its funny how Blizzard think they can get rid of addons but im 100% sure that they know that is not possible, even with the improves they made on their UI a ton of people dont use it because they like their own UI… you can make it 1000% better with ElVui, Plater, WA (Infertace ones) or just using Tidy plates but no… they just made everything harder… you cant invite people even if you got the on Btag, you cant invite people if you are using /invite name and realm, you cant find a group for M+, Raid or pvp content… and of course… they remain silent


Absolutely worked! Upvoting.

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Turning the mature language filter on and /reloading fixes the Group Finder problem.

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I am tired of the amount of bugs with different versions of wow lately. Stop flushing out new content before proper testing/quality assurance. Thank god your product has no direct impact on ppl’s lives…


funny how the group finder is all screwed up, when it’s the mythic dungeon weekly event! for thrall’s sake, blizz, fix this mess, asap

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Lol mature language filter on + reload worked for me.

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seriously blizz just take the servers down for an emergency maintenance this is absurd. The mature language filter trick didn’t work for me, even turning off all addons and reloading/relogging/exiting completely, running scan and repair…nothing worked.


Same problem here…

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Can we give back this patch in exchange for group finder again?