Grounding totem conversation

Dropping this again because of all the professional players bringing it up. Part of the expansions is to bring back class specific flavors, Grounding Totem is a huge flavor of shaman. It was part of the class for 10 years before being removed then re-added as a talent.

Many players agree this is a skill based ability and adds a lot to the class as a whole. Having to take it as a pvp talent under almost all conditions is a bit odd. Was wondering what Blizzard’s response is to Grounding Totem being left out of the unpruning? Reasoning/plans. Trying to open conversation about it.


I agree. But not everything is being returned.

Agree 100% it should be baseline. If they can’t design with it in mind for dungeons and raids then I don’t know what they’re doing over there. They successfully designed a game with baseline totem for over a decade.


I understand not everything is being returned, but this should be on the list of things that is. It’s a staple of shaman for 12 out of the 15 years of its existence. Druids are getting nature’s swiftness which holds much less sentimental value. This defined shaman as being a counter to casters.


Because the unpruning is an illusion of the unpruning.

You think ret got unpruned?
No lol.
Its all already existed talent that went baseline, 2 azerite powers to replace the talents and useless auras that might aswell not exist.

Your enchant weapon and poisons are similar to what seals were in wod and we didn’t even get them back.

Unpruning does not mean to get new abilities. Unpruning means to get back abilities that have been removed. Ret paladins actually got a lot from the unpruning. Wake of ashes, blessing of sacrifice, hammer of wrath, word of glory, auras, etc…

Hammer of wrath, wake of ashes, were already in the game. All we trully get is blessing of sac, wog and auras. Auras like I said might as well not exist since they’re entirely useless.

We will actually play exactly like we were in BFA. We didnt get unpruned at all except for 2 abilities.

Again, unpruning doesnt mean a rework or tons of new abilities. It just means more abilities baseline (even if those abilities used to be talents).

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With how broken ret is, it’s actually in a dire need of a rework. And working on way too much clunkiness due to the absurd amount of GCD we’re getting.

Execution Sentence, Seraphim, Inquisition, Blessing of Seasons. It will feel awful.

And I wouldnt call what ret got an “unpruning”. They just took talents, made them baseline, took azerite traits and made them talents to replace them. Our gameplay won’t be at all changed from BFA, like I said. Even WoG was usable and as a talent, granted it had 1min cooldown, 2 charges and healed in aoe. The only new spell we get is Blessing of Sac.

So we’re still gonna have the same problems, playing the same way.

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I’m confused on how ret changes are effecting shamans getting grounding back.


Yeah grounding needs to come back into the base kit already. Been a shaman spell since classic and is basically a mandatory PvP talent for every spec.


It definitely should be a part of the PVP talents at the least. I don’t see any use for it as a PVE-only shaman, but it would be nice to stop a chaos bolt or pyroblast.

Really fun having to talent into abilities i’ve literally had baseline for over 10+years.

There is literally no reason to not have Grounding baseline. That’s even sadder than druids having to talent into Cyclone


I tried on my paladin to champion that cause. And was told my opinion did not matter and that seals were garbage and just hated on game play. Not by everyone but a select few that think they speak for every person that plays paladin.

Im just saying you won’t be getting grounding as baseline because the unpruning isnt really an unpruning.

Well seals during wod were exactly like poisons and flametongue weapon/windfury weapon.

I have no idea why they didnt bring them back…

Well if you look i had started a thread saying return seals to us and a lot of people agreed. And i loved seals especially seal of blood. It was one of the things that i liked about paladins it gave then utility. And again i championed that cause. On my paladin.

Its like i am trying to champion enhancement getting earth shock back. And again i get 2-3 people saying no and saying the same thing as the others that mt opinion doesn’t matter as I am not doing the highest lvl of content. And a few other remarks.

This 100%. Things such as Skyfury and Counterstrike totem are prime examples of what PvP talents should be. They are unique and add good variation and change game play a little bit. Grounding totem is not. It’s a spell that we had for years across all specs, and it’s something that we should never NOT have. Feels back basically only have 2 pvp talent slots 'cause grounding totem eats up 1.

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I’ll always be happy to take a moment and support Grounding Totem being baseline. Considering many classes are meta for their ability to ignore or otherwise disrupt mechanics entirely, it’s the most absurd argument in the world to me that Grounding would be used to negate mechanics (or whatever excuse they’re making). Other classes do it all the time.

I would hope that they would still consider this change. Tho I don’t know if it will actually come through. If they could give it to us though, it would end up with incredibly flexible PvP talents which (to my understanding) was their goal with this xpac. Flexibility and customization being their objectives.