Ground riding animation completely broken on Sinrunner Blanchy mount

Just wanted to update this: The mount “Dauntless Duskrunner” does not have the same ground rider animation as the paladin chargers, but it, too, is capable of flight. The skyriding animation appears the same as the chargers. Maybe this is a different flavor of horse mount, hence the different rider animation?

Thanks for the update, Fairlight.

It looks like basically all horse mounts had their riding animation broken. Minus the Undead racial ones. Flight or ground mounts. Even the Headless Horseman mount is affected. This patch was a rush-job. I am sorry to say.

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one other thing that’s kinda annoying is that with the loss of ret aura for Rets, we get access to crusader. Crusader gives your paladin mounts a sparkle - like the ol’ glyph did (forget the name). But, with the changes, it feels “meh” to use the paladin flying mounts. and when using crusader aura and casting divine steed, the sparkles aren’t there.

lol it’s a very minor thing, but interesting to me nonetheless.

That would deserve its own report on the bug report forums.

But I feel with you!

Same here. The new horse riding animation looks so bad, it has to be a bug.

Bumping for more visibility. Since prepatch, all four Legion paladin mounts (Highlord’s Golden, Valorous, Vengeful, and Vigilant Charger) suffer from this silly “character rocking back and forth” animation while in motion on the ground.

I would love to see a fix for this (as I would also love to see the issue of the camera center being awkwardly high up while riding a mount as a blood elf female, which has been an issue for many months now). Small visual bugs like this can be incredibly immersion breaking and diminish the desire to play a certain character or use a certain mount that we once really enjoyed.


Well said, Maerlyn. Thank you for giving this some more visibility.

Not fixed as of the July 30th patch.

Okay, Blanchy, you naughty girl, I have no idea where you have stashed your barrel of fermented apples, but you are going to REHAB!

Joking aside, still, Sinrunner Blanchy is still skyflying with what looks to be the animation of the MoP serpent mounts sometimes and hopping back and forth at other times. Irritating to say the least. For me, however, if I switch back to steady flying, Blanchy flies normally. Go figure.

To clarify: This bug report is about the broken ground running animstion of Sinrunner Blanchy (and the majority of all other horses).
Not about the respective steady flight/skyriding animations. That was a design choice by Blizzard. The ground running animation, on the other hand, is a bug.

Bumping. Ground riding animation still broken. I’d rather my paladin not look like she’s riding a little wooden rocking horse every time I mount up on the ground :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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also Fallen Charger and other recolor mounts
The animations are just from vanilla wow - human mount (horse) , kinda makes me mad
The only horse animation that i remember is good was… invincible reins.

Still happening to me. All newer horse mount’s riding animations look ridiculous.

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Yes, please fix the horses and chargers! It’s not the flying animation that’s bad, it’s the ground animation. I tested every horse I own, and the only ones that seemed normal were the Gilneas Mountain Horses.

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Bump for all of our rocking horse woes.

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I just noticed this bug today. Most of the horse mounts now look ridiculous on the ground. Hope it gets fixed soon……

EDIT: it looks like there was a similar bug with 3.0 that was fixed at the time, and now it returned with the TWW pre patch