Ground AOE Macro automatically placed under target

With 9.2.5, I’ve noticed that using a macro with a modifier that is the same as the Self Cast key will cast a ground-targeted AOE spell directly on the ground beneath an attackable target. For example, if my Self Cast key is ALT, and I use a macro with “/cast [mod:alt] Death and Decay” on my Death Knight, it is placing the spell without giving me a targeting circle at all, centered on my currently targeted mob. However, this does not work with friendly NPCs.


Got the same problem

All my macros are bind to do stuff with alt. The normal spells are unaffected, but the AOE wont give me a target circle, just straight cast the spell at the feet of the target. How can I stop this from happening?

Changing your Self Cast key in the game settings to something other than ALT should work. At least it did for me when trying to figure out the issue.

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Bump, this is pretty significant. Ruining gameplay for me at the moment

I’m also experiencing this issue. Here is a clip as well:

The latest patch seems to have changed the macro behavior slightly. Now the spells are being placed automatically underneath the player character, rather than the target mob.


I’m finding the same behavior. I also noticed that they’ve removed the following functionalities from the Interface>Combat panel:

  • Unit Frame Mouseover Cast Key
  • Focus Cast Key
  • Self Cast Key

I previously used the workaround to fix my [mod:alt] macros by switching off Auto Self Cast and toggling my Self Cast Key to none.

Now, any reticle-based ground spells with an Alt-modifier are being placed at my player location, even if my macro includes an @cursor function such as:
/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] ring of peace

The above macro works as intended, however, when you swap the Alt-modifier to either Shift or Ctrl.

Unfortunately, I currently use and have for quite a while, Alt-modifier ground-based abilities and I would rather not switch my modifier key for those as I have quite the muscle memory at this point.

TL;DR: /cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Ring of Peace is currently broken, working as if it is written as /cast [mod:alt,@player] Ring of Peace


im having the same issue atm its weird though mine didnt start till yesterday my /cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Door of Shadows is reading like its @player and acting as such had to switch to shift to fix for now hope they fix this

same issue for many abilities

Would be great to know if this issue is being investigated.

Having to adjust to all Alt-modifier ground-targeted abilities casting @player as a work-around is not optimal, nor is swapping keybinds after years of muscle memory because of a bug that will get fixed soon… (hopefully)

After further investigation, I’ve discovered that these Interface>Combat options that are missing from some of my characters are still present on others. I’ve attached an image that shows these missing options below. When the “Self Cast Key” is set to None, this issue is fixed, however, as these options are missing on some of my characters for whatever reason, this issue is unable to be resolved this way.

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Another post here as I did some searching and found this thread:

TL;DR: if you have ElvUI Action Bars enabled, it causes these options to be moved into the ElvUI options.

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