Grong Continuity Question

I’m hoping someone can help me understand this.
In the BoDa raid the Alliance show up first and fight their way to Rastakhan before the horde can get there.

So they kill Grong and when the horde get up to the second boss they also have to kill Grong. Who rezzed him and why is he fighting both of us?
(Also someone mentioned something to me about Grong being undead because Bwonsamdi may have done something but that only further confuses me.)

Can anyone clear up this weird timeline issue please?

Blizzards likely official answer: Shhh… shhh… don’t think about it so hard.


I haven’t done the Horde version of the raid yet, but if memory serves, the voice lines point to Bwonsamdi being the one that raises Grong. Apart from that, Grong the Revenant shows up when Bwonsamdi starts raising the dead.

Apart from that, I don’t know if I can offer more.

I haven’t done the raid cause no sub, but this is as I understand it.

The Alliance makes Grong big and lets him loose on Zuldazar, forcing the Horde to have to kill him.

After that, Bwonsamdi uses his power to raise Grong as a big zombie to fight against the Alliance. Though I do not know when this happens in the raid.

In essence, Grong was used by the Alliance, but when killed, is turned against them.


The Horde and Alliance raids happen effectively concurrently. Horde fight Grong (alive) as their second boss battle after the Alliance released him to rampage through the city. Bwonsamdi eventually raises Grong to defend the city and the Alliance fights Grong (undead) as their third boss battle.


This was what I thought too. I guess the only way it makes sense is that the boss fights happen at the same time. This would mean that while the Horde are killing Grong the Alliance are killing the Jadefire Masters.

Then after the Horde kill the monkey Bwonsamdi raises him and sends him at the Alliance.

My issue is I thought the Horde show up later than the Alliance because if the fights happen at the same time then (spoiler alert) why would the Alliance be able to kill Rastakhan?

They would get there at the same time. RIGHT?

That’s what lead me to ask the question because that can’t possibly be the case.

The Alliance have to fight through five bosses to get to the King while the Horde only have to get through three. If the first fights happen concurrently there’s no way the Alliance get there first.

So what the hell happened?

Blizz want us to fight big monkey so we fight be monkey. He is undead for the Alliance so they have yet another reason to hate the Horde, while the Horde only gets “oh look, the Alliance have a big monkey, let’s kill it”


jazz hands


This is indeed what seems to happen, with the Alliance clearing four bosses (Grong, Opulence, Conclave of the Chosen, and Rastakhan) in the same time it takes the Horde one (Jadefire Masters).

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Maybe Jaina’s ice gauntlet is supposed to be very effective at slowing the Horde?


You won’t like the real answer

It took the horde longer to kill the alliances monk/mage combo than it took the alliance to kill grong, the sentient pile of coins, the loa boss, and rastabro combined.

there. fixed.

You won’t like the real answer

Even that would at least make more sense then where I’m at right now. It makes absolutely no sense for us both to need to down Grong.

If there had been two monkeys and one was at the docks and the other was in the city, that would have made sense.
Or if the Alliance had someone rez him and send him off that might have made sense. but right now I don’t get it.

I came to post this, but with more words. That seems to be what’s going on.

The Horde kills Grong.

Bwonsamdi raises him.

Then the Alliance faces the zombie Grong, Opulence, the Loa guys, and kills Rastakhan.

Meanwhile, the Horde is slowed down by Jaina. They face the Monk/Mage and Trash, and reach the Zandalari who tells us about the Alliance defeating Opulence, the Loa dudes, and Rasta.

That is my understanding.


Okay okay…

The real real answer is that all of these fights, lore wise, are more staggered. Trash mobs aren’t, lore wise, a 5 second thing. The alliance striking the city is probably more meant to be more akin to a blitzkrieg. Our Paladin boss and grong were your priority targets, so you killed them quickly. Then the trash between them and the monk/mage held you up a loooong time. You were fighting to take the city back while we had already taken the city proper, and were killing rastabro.

I’m not sure why I didn’t just post this on this guy. I forgot to switch back after being a bit of a jerk to people on general discussion who felt the need to announce that they were quitting. For some reason, I hate when people do that. Like… just quit silently. none of us are going to miss you.

Makes sense, even if it is kind of lame feeling.

It is an incredibly lame feeling. It is why I refer to this raid, with zero affection, as an Alliance power wank. Blizzard has constructed a patch with the express purpose of making the Horde as miserable as possible to play.


I disagree.

The raid is one of the better raids I’ve experienced in a long time. I just don’t particularly like this story issue.

As a horde main I feel pretty awesome about being able to chase Jaina down and put some hurt on. Especially since she’s no joke, and can literally take down city walls on her own.


I get it, and I’m not saying you’re wrong…

But i hear we’re about to feel that pain in 8.2. If it makes you feel better. Which i doubt it does. I hate that the game isn’t fun to play for my horde friends.

Where have you heard this?

The only 8.2 stuff I have had is Sylvanas with the dagger and the return of the Naga, with only super vague and unsubstantiated Chinese rumors saying anything different.

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