Grommash Hold stuck after completing Exile's Reach

With the removal of the quest “An Urgent Meeting” from the Horde version of the Exile’s Reach starter experience, the Grommash Hold gets stuck in that phase with Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner, Warlord Breka Grimaxe and Nathanos Blightcaller for a character that has completed the Exile’s Reach.

There is now no way for that character to reach Gotura Fourwinds for the quest “Preserving the Barrens”, or High Overlord Saurfang to turn in the quest “Walk With The Earth Mother”, or even General Nazgrim for the quest “The Art of War”.

It doesn’t help completing the standard Horde intro for Battle for Azeroth with the scenario in Stormwind, nor does it help entering relevant Chromie Times.


This bug is 10/10 because I can confirm it too. My toon Arthir-Farstriders also has it locked to the end of Exile’s Reach with no ability to change it to something more useful. The only people in the building for me is Sylvanas up on the throne and warlord Breka Grimaxe talking about victory in exile’s reach.

If I stand on the ledge that surrounds the room the phase changes to what I need to turn quests in, but the quest givers are just out of reach and when I try to get to them, they disappear and it goes back to the phase at the end of exile’s reach…it’s infuriating!!

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Yep, it continues. My toon Aitas on Kirin Tor completed the sightseeing quest in Orgrimmar when he arrived from Exile’s Reach, and Grommash Hold is still phasing out to Sylvanas, Breka and Eitrigg and literally no-one else whenever I count as indoors. I’ve caught somewhere that if you skip that sightseeing quest, you skip this phase and don’t get caught in this bug, but I haven’t tried it myself yet.

same problem here, i cannot talk to the other npcs in there because they do not appear due to this bug

The bug persists.

EDIT: … in fact, it probably pays to mention: there is an Orgrimmar Grunt by the crossroads in the Drag by the gateway into the Valley of Honor, that has an automatic NPC line directing you to the Grommash Hold whenever you get close enough. That grunt must be part of the original breadcrumb back to the Hold from the Valley of Honor innkeeper. It appears it isn’t just the Grommash Hold that gets stuck in this phase, but at least some parts of the rest of Orgrimmar as well …

EDIT 2: Well, I suppose it was about time. I tried opening a ticket about the NPC phasing, and got spat in the face with the generic “wE dOn’T gIvE hInTs” auto-generated response. In the end, I literally deleted my toon and re-rolled it (didn’t have enough stuff to lose), making sure to pick the conventional starter area this time.


I am so frickin’ sick of the phasing quests in Grommash Hold. A new one appears EVERY patch, and this one literally locks new players out of the Dragonwrath quests and any way to open up the Twillight Highlands. Pathetic.

What happened, I am 100% certain, is that they changed the end of Exile’s Reach to send you to the Dragonflight starter quests, but DIDN’T remove the part that sends you to see Breka and Sylvanas to start BfA, because you never get the quest to do so. What a ridiculous oversight. The only thing that has helped in the past for phasing issues in here is obtaining the Heart of Azeroth after Level 50, but I have my doubts even that will work in this case.


Opened a ticket regarding this and was presented with a ridiculous automated response like the one described above. This is going to happen to literally EVERY new Horde player who starts to play the game until it’s fixed.

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I can comfirm the Bug persists. After Exile Reach Grommash Hold is stuck in that Phase. Changing timelines with Chromie hasnt helped so far.
I even started doing BfA content and then Dragonflight content to change the phase but nothing works. Weirdly enough something changed at some point and now its not Sylvanas but Baine standing in her place?
this is just really annoying especially beacause you are forced to do the exile reach start with your first character…