I’ll join and see what takes off—I wasn’t impressed with the defacto ‘official’ Grobbulus Discord.
I personally prefer this discord as the other takes the GROBMOB to the point it becomes annoying ie naming all the chat channels something nonsensical instead of just using normal words.
Personally, I have trouble imagining myself ever wanting to be part of a 4k+ member Discord server.
That just sounds incredibly awful.
Just depends—in some applications you want a wide audience. Looking for group, looking for someone to craft something, or to buy/sell/trade. But their chat channels are toxic and far too fast moving to hold any value. But for some applications, whatever forum has the greatest reach will hold value.
Good morning, all.
7 days left to go, I can’t believe we’re almost there!
I would agree that discord has some wider audiences. I myself am part of one of the grobulus discords but I my use of it is that of a defacto server forum.
Back in 04 we didn’t have all the avenues that we do today. In some ways I feel that they (modern social media) can ruin the experience of certain things as well as increase your exposure to annoying/misinforming people over the internet. While this existed back then, it certainly wasn’t as prominent.
This is partly why I mostly avoid those things. I prefer to let things happen organically within the game itself because quite frankly thats what Im used to.