Grob kos list/truce list

For those who are going to play on Grobbulus and plan on rp’ing with your character what are some of your kos (kill on sight) truce (leave alone) list you have for you character?

For my character which is going to be a druid, my only three kos at all times are Orcs inside of Ashenvale, Undead (anywhere), and Warlocks (anywhere.) Justification being Orcs are seen as invaders destroying the natural forest, with undead they will be seen as an abomination to life and everything a druid is suppose to hold sacred, and with Warlocks their magic is an unacceptable blight upon that land which will be confronted whenever the chance arises.

With my chars truce list at no time will I initiate pvp with a enemy druid (druid code :wink: ) and will avoid fighting Tauren with the exception of in defense of a fellow Ally.

So what is your kos/truce list?

All rogues must die. Because if you don’t stomp them flat ASAP, they will backstab you as soon as you turn away.


Any tauren bae is safe. Everyone else wave or else me smash you. I’m sure it’ll change once i make a few nemesis’s

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Well, it’s not like the undead had any choice in the matter, right?

If it’s red it’s dead
End of story

Tauren > Trolls > Orcs > Undead

From likely to unlikely for me to let live.


They are going to make all of our lives difficult so I feel that we are obligated, wherever and whenever we get the chance, to return the favor.

Serious question: has anyone successfully RP’d a character to be aligned with the opposite faction? I mean, out of thousands of players, this has to be a likely outcome, right?