Grizzly Hills Packmaster Mount

Wait until you compare every other store mount with the proto-drake you get an hour into the Dragon Isles (it travels at the exact same speed as every other mount), or the transmogrification system as a whole (mogged gear functions the same as the base item)

Hint: aesthetics


Buying a token is 20 USD, it’s worth around 230K. Law of Equivalent exchange.

I didn’t realize how tired of the yak I am so I am glad for this. I don’t even care about the cash cost.

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+1, it’s a bear
-1, it’s the same as a yak
-1, it’s not free

Objectively, I can’t get excited.

The yak can ride 3 people.

I freakin’ love it. I always thought the yak was big, bulky and gaudy. Now I’ve got a cool bear with a lamp hanging off his back and those two little creeps aren’t hanging around when I dismount. How often do you really need a two-person ground mount?

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No one rides in the Yak anymore except BG afk’s. Haven’t seen it in years.


Question for some of you regarding the 3-player functionality of the Yak mount: Has Blizzard changed the Hivemind to work with anyone? Or is it still only available with the people you completed the quest chain with?

I have the yak. Still might want the bear.

I pulled it out in raid tonight.

I want it as a pet.

I might have bought it if it did more than the Yak. Might. Even if it just had a mailbox or a built in profession table. Anything.

Replace the xmog travel duffel with a barber chair. Make it unique and worth the money.

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Money is good. Need an auction mount for the same price.

Death Knight can do the same. Death Gate

I wish they would make a flying 2 seater, Vendor/Mog mount

I agree! It would be a cool way to make it unique. We have a transmog one and an auction house one. I personally would like one that allows us to craft outside the city.

At one point, I remember the Yak had reforging and repair.

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Everyone seems to forget why the AH mount was removed. They just flat out don’t want AH mounts everywhere. I highly doubt it will ever return.

I would love to see something like the Bruto available again. Also gives me an incentive to keep farming for gold.